Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Some Wednesday Wow

I've told you all before just how much pictures move me.  Last night I sat at my computer right at night fall.  Alone.  Music on.  Just me, and my kitties.  And started scrolling through pictures. My idea to make books is coming together. Slowly but surely.  I will some day own a library with dated books.  Filled with memories. As they say, a picture captures a thousand memories to look back on.
Thank God I have them. 

I loved this dress.  It's one of those that disappeared, and I always wonder where it went.  That night I felt especially pretty.  Don't know why, I just did.  Maybe it was the dress.  Or maybe it was the margarita.  Either way, just feeling pretty has to be the greatest feeling...I mean really.
This sums up Kris' last year in High School. He always did well, but certainly kept me on my toes.  Toes that he never wanted to see chase or come after him.  Because if I did.....WATCH THE HELL OUT!
Kali in 2nd Grade with a teacher she COULD. NOT. STAND. 

Rest in Peace Pop. Here is one of the sweetest papa's that ever existed. He'd drive over an hour to come watch them perform at a private school music function that literally made you want to pull eyelashes out.  Two words-  Hand. Bells. 
Torture it was, but we all sat through it.  Even though  Bill and I wanted to sneak out the back aisle the minute Kali was finished singing.
And here? WAS.  Key word, WAS- The ugliest dog around.  Poor Bucksie--- HA!

Oh, the good ol' days.

Happy Hump Day.

Hope some of you get your hump on.  If not, well kick ass doin' what you do best.---



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