Monday, March 9, 2015

Sunshine. Stone Brewery. Sand.

Kali's new found friendship in her sorority is doing something funny to my heart.  It's melting me, and making me even more proud. Although I'm a tad bit jealous that I don't see her as often, I'm just happy she's found a group of girls that believe in love, life and perseverance.  No more jimmy rigging her heart as she heads back and forth trying to find her slice of peace. And security.  And during these young years, she's trying hard to balance it all. It's really enlightening when you make that trek out there.  It's not the easiest road to bolt to and from. She's bonding with girls that have held her back up. Keeping her out later than she's really used to, but hey, as long as her morals stay in check.  All is good in the hood.

"Chelsea's Run in San Diego- More info here-Chelsea's Run

Bill had an early meeting Saturday-
Soon we'd be sitting in traffic, while I bit every loose cuticle away from my nails trying to remind myself to "keep my hands away from my face"-  But if you know Miss. Punctuality Kali, you'll know WE can't be late for anything.  Taking into consideration that "Whale Days" was sprouting along the fwy through San Juan, shit got real when she texted, "Mom, you're like an hour away, and an hour late"-  

I know Kali, I know. I'm sorry. As I continued to bite my tongue, cuticles, fingers, and wriggle in my seat from nagging Bill and his tailgating ways.  He worked hard on keeping his distance, and non-disgruntled driving ways. 

After sitting in traffic for a couple of hours, and trying not to bite every single cuticle from my fingers, we made it.  Miss. Punctual reminded us they'd stop serving lunch at 1:30- Although I wasn't hungry because I was so nervous to arrive late.  We made it.  She was happy to see us, and escorted us up the hill to her new posse AXO- There were 3 sandwiches, some chips, and zero water left so that was awesome.

Anyway, all that to say, we were just so happy to be there. With her, and her new friends!
-who needs food and water anyway. uh um.

Mingling, meeting, searching for water, carrying the Trader Joe's up we brought up. Her couch.  And the air conditioning felt fantastic.

No worries about the water situation.  We'd soon pull her away to The Stone Brewery in Escondido. If you haven't been, drop everything you're doing, and go.  Take the kids. Take a blanket.  And take a dd.  You won't be disappointed.  

We opted for a light lunch, a couple of brews for me. One for Dad.  An hour or so in this little area. Just us.  Catching up.  Listening to her new life out there. 
Sooner than we really wanted, we dropped her back off, and back down the 5 we'd go.  Missing her so much already, we'd make it home just in time to collapse.  Road dogs, were done. 

Friday night Bill mentioned he had another meeting at Monarch Beach at St. Regis on Sunday.  His words to me "Hun, while I meet, bring your bag, your ipad, and enjoy a couple of hours-  As we arrive and check our names in.  I'd be escorted with a mimosa, down to the sand.  Umbrella and chair boy following.  He'd soon lay out my goodies for the morning....  
I watched these two girls run and play.  They reminded me of Kali and Tori during their tween years.  
Back and forth they'd run.  Laughing, holding hands.  That young youthful stress free little life. 
Bill sat up above in the chairs to the right.

Soon, he'd join me.  Also with a mimosa in hand.

Years ago, we walked on this very beach during the weekend of Chris and Jen's wedding - 

 All I wished for, was a tan. 

After I got all cute and creative writing our names in the sand, I backed up and tripped over this rock.  Almost eating shit.  Bill spit out some of his drink. ha

Quack-Quack- I don't know why I want to type that. haha!

Before his meeting partner left, he made sure we'd stop up and have lunch, on him. Thx CG- 

We continued on with a Sunday Funday vibe. 

Might as well soak up every.single.minute of the weekend, right?  I still wrestle with Sundays, and prepping for my week ahead. 
Bill and I have promised to keep our dreams soaring high, with an eye on this pad that over looks the great pacific nestled right next to our favorite resort.  Swoon, baby we want you.  Although we are grateful for every spec of life we have been given, it's always sweet to toss big dreams up in the air, right?

We stopped at one more little shack nestled up against the ocean.

Trying to really soak up the last bit of rays before we jumped back on the slow moving PCH, where every southern cali person decided to do the same.

There's our weekend in a sea shell.  Kris was out frolicking in the great wide ocean too.
The life of Bucks.

Stay Salty and Stay Young.

Stay True.  To you.


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