Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A weekend of mostly bad pictures.


My lovely son mentioned he was handing over one of his bad-ass camera's very soon.

I've been super patient, and continue to drag my little pocket pet around snapping shots that are
just falling short of pictures a 3 year old would take.  But that's ok though, because life is life, and capturing whatever I can on this path will and should be good enough.

Starting with Carmens Birthday dinner celebration Friday night.  Where I wore a hat.  Why you wonder? Because my hair was filthy.  And I was doing a 6:30am yoga class the next morning and didn't want to wash, and then just have to wash shortly after the next morning.  Hair drama I know.  Looking back on these pictures makes me disappointed in myself. Should of taken the hat off regardless of oily stinky hair. ha-
Lesson learned.  Maybe.  

 When good cheese and good wine collide.
My sweatshirt reads- "She loved life, and life loved her right back"
 This is where I pick myself a part in pictures. Anyway, we've all known eachother for many many years now.  The stories that have been written by us all.  It's a true full warm house.  Especially to celebrate another year in the life of a loved one.  That's for sure. 

May all your wishes come true Carmen-

Sneak down to the sailboat for girl talk - ha

 After my early morning yoga class, where I felt like sleep was the only thing missing. ha.  I was pleasantly surprised when my sis and Tori tapped on my shoulder.  Those two little beauties did the 6am super hot class. Soon we three gathered at Roots in LB for a nice little breakfast.  The perfect little morning.

But man, was I disappointed that we weren't blessed with a rainy morning. boo.

Little did I know our littlest would surprise me with a latte, and a blueberry scone.  She was on her way to Gianni's game.  Where soon I'd dash over to catch the last few innings. 

 Golden West RUSTLERS- 
It was nice sitting next to our little while we watched Goldenwest play Fullerton.  Although Gianni had a good game, they lost.  boo. 

Saturday night Bill and I marched our little bottoms over to some Indian food, and back in the sack where I tried to stay awake for American Sniper.  Needless to say, I can.not.stay.awake through movies.
My whole family knows this.  We finished it the next morning, where I sat stunned at the ending.  I wanted to cry that ugly cry.  Those tears that aren't just water flowing from your eyes.  But a nudge in your gut.  And a shaking feeling in your being.

Our Sunday morning was a lazy cozy one.  One that made me reflect.  On many things.
Life. My respect for my country, and those out there fighting for us.
It made me hold Bill a little closer, and kiss him with a little more meaning.

Sunday afternoon we strolled over to LB for some live blues.  Sipping on Guinness, filling our eyes with a beautiful view of the channel as boats came and went, meanwhile listening to good ol' jams.  Blues, you will always melt this girl.

Before you know it, we woke to thunder and rain.  And Monday morning. What else can I say. 
Mondays- blah.

I can say suck-it rain for coming later than you told us you would, although I was pleased to hear you, just not the thunder.  Scurrrred.

We made it to Tuesday!  And for that, CHEERS!

Cheers to making it through a good weekend with not the best pictures. Or, wait, maybe it's just my dirty hat hair. ha

“Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own home. Give love to your
children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor . . . Let no one ever
come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of
God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your
smile, kindness in your warm greeting.”~ Mother Teresa-

Go get em kids.  I know I have to.

Big Love, and smiles, especially to those in need- Sharing a smile is the simplest form of humanity out there.

Try it.


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