Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mom, this is good. Very good Mom.

I think it's no surprise when I open a text from my Mom with a picture, that my heart flutters just a little.

Gimme five Mom.  I don't care what you send, just send. 

Usually it's something around their yard.  Their garden, or sometimes the many little creatures that reside there.

My Dad has always been a hard worker.  Or I guess to rephrase this---he used to be a super hardworker.
He works hard now, just not like the back breaking tractor riding, sitting in the sun all day moving dirt around.  Making land a different level. Measuring, leveling, loading, driving. 

His back hurts now. His body is tired. Living in their mountain framed home might seem like a simple task, however it's harder at times than it looks.
I received these from my Mom.  "Burn Day"

Then I open this one.  I'm sure he didn't know she was sitting on the opposite corner snapping away.

Which I think is funny.

I also just adore "Bella" here.  Melted into Daddy.

When I look at this picture I take back all the ornery days I spent talking back to him.

Or rolling my eyes at him as he cut my phone time off. 

He looks pretty stern here, and even though he was a bad ass back in the day, he's a teddy bear filled with love.  Lots and lots of love. He's the one person I can lean on when I need a stern pick me up.  A reminder to keep doing what I do best, which he always reminds me, I'm doing a great job.  To just look around.

A man of many words, and most often very real, and always intelligent. 

A man of strength and pride.

A man of determination to help others, especially animals.

And as you can see, he can burn down sticks and bushes better than anyone you'd ever did see.

And with Pam as his firefighter, slash photographer, slash cook, and coach.  All is good in their world. 

I love you Dad. I love you Mom.

Up High, Down Low, ----  too slow.  jk. 

High Five Mom.

Big Love,


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