Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just because it's sassy Saturday....

Feel grouchy?  Watch this movie.  Guaranteed laughs.  Guaranteed.  #loveher

and her.  

I dedicate this to Bill and Kali.

I dedicate this to Lisa.  ha.

With all due respect with this "Pope" stuff.  Is it me, or do they all talk so somber and strange.  Like lowwww voices and real slow.  Why?  I'm sorry it baffles me.  Crooked religion baffles me more.  Holla back atcha dude.  Good timing to bail out.  #laylowwhileitallcomesout

And that's all for now....Hope you kids have fun this weekend.  Can we officially wash our cars?

The rain was fast and quick.  But my flowers love it.

Go play.  Eat good, and share good food and wine.

Give and get big hugs.  Animals are the best for that too.  No excuses people.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I showed Chris the one about speaking out of hunger...he said, "That's so you!" He always jokes that I'll be happy if he could just carry a wet burrito in his pocket!