Friday, December 7, 2012

When you see it....

First pasta party of the season.  Good stuff.  Good game.  Tie vs.  Wilson. 

And the words I was told ever so kindly "...Mom, it's ok, you don't have to show up at the pasta party"......ME: "Ok, hun, no problem....but why?"  Duh, Leese.  Look  at the only girl carrying her keys around her neck.  When you see it. You will get it. Now I do.  BUT.....I will be at the next one.  I'll let this first rodeo play out.  But....I refuse to miss out on these moments....I just do.    Oh, you mama's of little ones, you just wait.  you just wait....


seems yesterday we were at the track watching her peddle like a pro.  What keys? What car?  Happy Friday kids.  Have a great weekend.  WE will be busy, that's for sure.  But what else, and how else do we know it?  Right?  What's this "Keep Calm and Carry On?" stuff.  I'd rather raise hell and change the world.  (read that this cute)   Another day behind us, and more happiness to be found.  More sunshine would help.  Who's with me there?  Talked to my parents yesterday.  My Dad is doing so great.   BUT, it has not stopped raining for 2 weeks.  As you've all heard on the news, our Northern Pacific cities, including the High Sierra's where they live are flooded.  She did send me some cute pictures of the river outside of their bedroom.   Have a good weekend.  Games, boat parades, shopping. I can do it.  I will try to get through it with a great spirit.  I promise.  xo


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