Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have not forgot about you....

Look who came to town for a whirlwind trip.  Funerals aren't fun.  Really sad, as we know.  But the moments family will share are priceless.  Thanks for stopping by Chris, Mindi, Crue, Summer and Broc.  Although I missed you.  Kris was sure happy to see you.  Beautiful little family. 

For those of you that continue to worry about Mr. DP.  Still missing.  


Our Saturday morning was full of sunshine and soccer.  Laguna Niguel offered astro turf..yuk. and a loss thanks to PK'S. 

maybe lessons learned.  maybe not.  regardless, positive good things do come from a loss. this is life.  PK'S will always be a tilt in the game of my life.  

Who takes more of the pressure?  The kicker? The goalie?


so I had to leave my sweet pea at her 2nd game.  Starting time 3:15ish...when soon the entire team would stand around and wait for ref's. UNTIL Half.  #seriously?   #onafreezingfield.  #whatupalisocuppeeps

B's morning started at 7am with a line out in front for Fatal's 1st Annual Warehouse Holiday sale. 


I rushed home from second game to slam these slammers in the oven.  Our soccer mom group gathering for our Boat Parade gig. 

And this cheese thingy from Fresh n sleezy, was over the top.  ohmahguh. 

Soccer Mums.

Our honorable guest.  An exchange student from Japan.  Her name is "Hi"....by the time she was ready to leave, gifts were opened, by us, from her.  And the words she said..."I love you"...as she said goodbyes...melted us all.  NOW...were talkin.

Teens lighten the room.

#fireball  #warmtummy  #yesimwearingslippers

When you see it....

Sunday morning, actually Saturday afternoon and night, the only thing I could think of was being a lazy little turtle in bed all Sunday morning long.  Maybe until around 10ish?  B say's...you want to go to the gym?  I'm like...ummm not really.  I want more coffee, and a little more time to rest my feet and back.  puleese.  And then he said "wanna go xmas shopping?"  I couldn't back out on that offer.  We are creeping closer  to the biggest holiday of the year.  AND he agreed to Fashion  Island and South Coast.  Although you all know I don't like to shop, those 2 malls are beautiful and offer clean public bathrooms.  2 things I dwell on. And some of K's wish list came from here.   And so we were off........


The prettiest view under these balloons.  Imagine the world in a stroller to see this.  Lovely. 

Although I spotted these two fellers on the bottom right.  B just kept walking.  #scaredfeller 

All the cute little things in those malls are really good.  AND a great place to people watch.  Remember what I told you about rich people right?  There is something about em. The way they act, look, carry themselves.  I can go on and on.  But this is the place to see em in full force.  And when you walk by a dress shop boutique, and see security standing upon entrance...?  fahgettaboutit. 

After shopping for a few hours, we decided our coastal ride home should be a visit to HB pier for lunch.  And maybe a couple more gifts. 

and a couple snaps of some good surf.  And that it actually was. 

life's waves.  They come in and they go out.  But always there. 

Christmas in December....

Sorry I've been out of blogging land the last few days.  Just super busy and taking care of things as the pages and moments on my calendar are flying by.  How about you?  I am just a little stressed.  I offer tips, advice, reminders to others about slowing down, and enjoying the little things, and for some reason I can't seem to mind my own lessons.  My own advice.  I awoke very early...again, with a roller coaster brain, full of worry.  I do work, home, kids, Christmas, parents...I TOTALLY know it's not just me.  I know we all worry.  Pulling off the mailing deadlines.  The many little things to still prep while watching the sunrise, and sunset.  I can do this.  We can do this.  But does anyone have a magic potion to really slow things down and enjoy the reason for the season?  I did pray like a soldier this morning. In a quiet house.  Just me.  Do you really think if the day after Christmas, and things were exactly perfect, the world would be a better place?  Would people treat eachother better, all over a gift?  Would my teen girl love me any more or less?  Would my parents be upset that I didn't find the perfect gift?  And so......this morning...I had a little talk with myself.  Along with some deep breaths, and you know...a couple of tears.  I promised myself. Breathe in and breathe out Leese.  You do this year after year.  And this life is fast.  And we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Thank you to all my friends that showed such love and great spirit on Saturday. It's because of you guys that I keep spinning in circles with my pretty skirt on in this life.  The meaningful gifts left by the people I call "friends for life".  Those friends that have sat shotgun with me in this wild toad ride.  Sharing life.  Wine, laughter, and more laughter. It's because of you sillies.  It's because of you...Happy Tuesday Elves.  I hope this week slows down for  you.  Embrace your camera.  Embrace some peace and quiet.  Stress blows. 

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