Wednesday, December 5, 2012

March. March. March.

Raise your hand if you feel this like in the morning?  Any morning?  No?  Yes?  If not, and you stay home in the comfort of your wonderful cozy home.  You.  Are. A. Lucky.  Feller.  Or maybe not.  Who knows. But the way I run, and some of us run, is a tad bit penguin like.  Right?

But lately life feels a little like this.  Well, for me.  Maybe not you. 

After all it is December.  And already the 4th. Which means, in 20 days or less we run around like crazy birdies.  Or duckies.  Or bumble bees. or Elves. We will.SIDENOTE: Who remembers that silver tinsel package, and pulling out your little spared share from your parents to toss on the tree...only to find it in the vacuum weeks later.  ha.

And before that, some of you, including myself will dread walking through the mall. Any mall.  Any store.  For several reasons.  If you know me, I can't stand to shop.  I shop if I am bored or if I have to, thanks to raising a teen girl.  But I despise long lines, rude people and over priced clutter stuff.  Sorry.  #justmyopinion

I would beg to stay home and package things like this.  NOW were talkin'.   

So don't go broke this season people.  PUT YOUR CREDIT CARDS AWAY.  It just is. not. worth running around like a crazy nut for someone other than your little family.  Spend time with friends, and family. Write letters. Hug those you love.  Try to slow down enough to enjoy the music, eat good food.  Remember, Dec 26 becomes a whole different concept. It's all just a fast memory.  Slow down.  Buy wisely.  The kids will get over it.  Trends are trends.  We do so much all darn year. 

Or you will look like this.  This is how I feel sometimes.  We have soccer all month long.  Right up until the day.  Work parties to plan.  Employees to make happy.  People to please at home and here.  I can do it.  It will always be here/there.  Especially in December. I can do it.  #mamawarrior.   But if I seem frazzled or wiped out?  Yes, you have been warned.  You should see Kali's wish list.  Cute, long, kind of simple. I have stashed a copy in her book of life.  and yes, it helps but cracks me up.  The funny one for her stocking? "Mexican Candy, you know the one Mom."  like....?     Happy Humpday sillies.  Who's excited for Kate's pregnancy like me?  She is adorable. So classy.  Even when she sunbaths topless for her hubby, where they should be allowed to hang in private.  Love her.  Now, go make your list and check it twice.  For anything that is absurd.  Don't do it. Cheers!

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