Monday, December 17, 2012


My  tree topper.  Simple.  I added this little ring that kept falling out of my craft drawer.  Voila.  You stay there little feller. You stay right there.  I need you up there.  Pretty little booger you. Wait, what..? Booger? ew. ha.

Friday night marked our annual Christmas Cookie my cousins...

We baked, ate, and sipped some bubbly while playing a few games of Family Fued....while sharing stories of our eventful year.  The many milestones, memories that were made.  Some tears may or may not have been shed. (yes, that's me in the back as a honey badger..ugh)

New babies that melt our hearts...Hellllo Kennedy!


She was quite the trooper all night.....

These plates would soon be filled with cookies, cookies, and more cookies....oh, and pasta, salad, and more pasta.  #guilty

My cousin.  We were the closest as kids.  Do any of you remember my story about us in her Mom's VW, in our Grandma's driveway, pretend smoking stick pretzels, and pretending to drive, until I let the emergency brake down, and she moved the gear into Neutral?  And we were on a slope?  Good stuff.  It's where one must climb out, and search for the nicest Aunt, or family member to H.E.L.P. us.    Good times Ev.  Good times.  Every time I buy stick pretzels I think of you.  Every darn time.  Whew, thank goodness we never ventured towards cigarettes. yuck.  #stickwithpretzels #nicephotobombneighborkid.  #ILOVESTUFFLIKETHAT! ha!

Cameron. "Cammers"  Big Sister.

And free to be her. 

Look who didn't want to leave all the fun?  As they left with a wailing baby girl, all I could do was walk to my car.  Without Kali, (because she was on a dinner tenth month anniversary date, people!) and miss those days.  No kids hopping into my car.  No car seat.  No baby to rock or feed quickly before the venture home.  Just my sis and I.  #thedaysflyby.

We had the honor of showing up at the HB soccer field at 7:30am the next morning anyway.  Varsity girls showed up to show support for JV and FS.  Can you tell they were stoked? 

Well, it did feel amazing in the cool sunshine, on a crispy morning after the rain kind of watch Mac kick some grass!  She had 2 goals, first a header, the second was a blaster, and also an assist.  And to have your bestfriend sitting shotgun watching?  Good stuff little one.  Good stuff.  You make us proud. 

I hope you peacefully walk through this week.  One foot in front of the other. Breathe in and breathe out.  You can do it.  Embrace these moments with reminders of how precious the little things are.  Look at the Christmas lights.  Check out pretty Christmas trees.  Laugh at good fun stuff.  Cry if you are frustrated.  Listen to good music always.  If the Christmas music becomes a little much?  Well, drop it like it's hot and listen to some good ol' Reggae, or punk rock.  Did you all know I love ol' school punk?  Talk about pulling your self out of a funk.  HA!  Write any love notes lately?  Drop one of those into someones lunch lately?  Their car? Steering wheel?  Tucked into a shoe?  No?  hmmm Why?  Boom.  And this concludes a post adding more quilt to your holidays.  HA.  Kidding.  No, actually I'm not.  just trying to help a sister/brother out. 

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