Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, I. Am. Back.

It's strange to step away from my blogging land for a few days.  It just is. It's funny to capture things while I'm away.  Taking mental notes along the way.  Those notes that would be "should I talk about that" (like how B and I had a heated argument for a good hour before bed the other night..good stuff, kids)...or "oh my... that's funny but I can't share because it could offend"....and so on and so on. The trail of thoughts still follow me.  Any blogger will tell you.  It's just in our blood.

Moving on....

I truly had mixed emotions about Christmas....and the month of December.  Sad, but true.  Oh, so true.
The day of Christmas was a little complicated.  Way different than years past.  Don't get me wrong...our little family was together.  We did all the little traditional things we do. I won't get into details.  To save the spirit of those that have no control at this point.  But let's just say....I am glad we have our little family unit.

Does it seem that the month of December turns into a spectacle of craziness?  That the production of it all effects those type A people like me in an overwhelming way?  Don't get me wrong, I love the gathering of people and food.  And that's it. ha. And add my birdies into the mix?  We got something goin' on.  But doesn't it seem from the very first day in this month that it all just gets balls to the walls stressful?  There were/are several different factors this year that added to the mix.  My friend set it straight one day....she said, "Leese, many things are changing for you, and fast...K's driving, the pages are turning fast, and there IS so much to do, the kids are growing and life is a little different...".  And so, I reflected.  I thought, hmmmm....maybe it's that.  Maybe it's the greed and overwhelming need from mankind's motives $.   Wouldn't it be nice to offer services and little homemade gifts to those we love throughout the year? (like the super awesome long warm over the knee length socks my neighbor friend left for me.) Wouldn't it be even better to gather with each other and call it just that.  I guess what I am getting to, is I prefer life's small moments.  The moments that often don't seem like a big deal.  But really are.  As I blog this morning, my house is quiet.  My girl is on a run, my cat is staring at me. My coffee needs to be reheated, for it's 3rd time.  My heart is full.  My health is fuller..I hope.  My friends are dear, and most family are dear too.  I am especially anxious for the rain today.  I have new candles.  Need I say more?  Here's a peek at the last few days....and guess what?  I forgot both chargers for my phone.  And guess what?  It was good.  Oh, it was good.  (I guess knowing the other bird could ring another with me.)

Oh. Gianni.  You are a keeper.  Little feller.

The highs in Havasu? 50 degrees.  Lows? 38.  Jacuzzi was crackin. 

Adding another heart rock to our water fall.   Good stuff kid.

And so we decided to check out a new territory.  New findings.

Have you ever been to Oatman, Arizona? 

Where the donkeys seriously rule the town.  Funny, and kind of silly.

and of course the "shoot out"  Cowboy theme....

All they really want is food. 

So stinkin cute though.

No food?  No love. 

This guy played quite the jam.  Good spirit dude.  Seriously, good spirit.  And I thank you for that....Hey, K, don't be embarrassed. 
Follow your path kids.  The pages are turning fast.  Seems like yesterday B and I were planning our New Years at the millennium concert watching The Eagles play third row, nineteen ninety, nine. 
Take my post today with happiness.  Not sadness, or gloom.  I just want to lay out how I truly felt about December.  I believe in feeling happy and full of hope and love. I do. For those of you that truly know me, I am here for a good time.  As our friend Sean say's..."were not here for a long time, just a good time".  There were quite a few things I learned this year.  Of course, older, and wiser as they say.  I experienced happy moments, happier notices, and along with those sad ones.  We welcomed new little ones into the world and said hard goodbyes too.  Try to put the heartaches behind you.  Be happy for those that are happy.   Let's give some peace a try.  Maybe even the slightest peace in our own hearts.  Try not to live through anyone else, or compare one self.  Natural roots that live in us all, as in the many insecure, unforgiving, and entitled ways.  We all have them.  I have them.  You have them.  Just sit quiet and count your blessings.  I mean after all, we've survived the end of the world twice.  Ha.  Happy Birthday to all the December babies I have missed.  Congrats to Kerri and Kevin on your engagement.  You know girl, I live through people like you...It made my eyes fill with tears of happiness for you, because you deserve it girl, you certainly do.  Good work Kevin, for pulling off such the surprise. That is good stuff. Congrats to all the new little drivers out there, that have made your parents twist in daily fear.  Congrats to our little friends that have been accepted to some of the best colleges around.  Wowza  you rock.  Embrace each other friends, as we know some can be taken away in a shattering moment of time.  Tell your kids just how special they are, because everyone needs to be told.  Tell your partner off if they need a good ass chewing, ok, maybe not that, but...well...yea, do it.  Experience new things this year. Try new things.  Rekindle a long lost friendship.  Work out, or don't. I know I sure have to.  Hawaii is staring at me right in the center of my face.  And I plan to rock the island.  jk.  I do have wrinkle cream people.  It is starting to rain, so I must close this up for now, and reheat my coffee for the 4th time.  And decide on a couple of things.  Gym, or Clean.  Who's jealous?  Who's with me?  No?  Are you still in bed with a perfectly clean house, and the world organized beneath your perfect feet? Well, then lay there you.....silly, just lay there.  Happy End of the Year People.  Go get em.  Or don't.  Whatever you choose, smile on the outside, if you can't on the inside. 
P.S.  One of the sweetest and hardest things to take down?  All. The. Cute.  Photo Christmas cards.  I love every single one of them.  That is, my friends the best part of December and checking the mailbox.  You are beautiful people.  And I thank you for that.....

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