Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Worth Mentioning.

Can I just say holla to Thrift and Goodwill Stores?

If there's one thing I love in this world, its finding little treasures. Whether it's stumbling across a good find at a yard sale, or cruising through a goodwill store, or thrift store in an odd town.  
I can't tell you how many little treasures, that I treasure from yard sales, thrift stores and Goodwill's.
LOVE them. 

Finding things like this....

 Home-made quilt, with the makers little note and signature on back....LOVE- If I could share with her how much I love it, and what a warm loving home it went to, I would.  (Half of the proceeds of this 11.00 quilt, went to the Lake Havasu Humane Society-Double Holla!)  I washed it with my yummy soaps, and Downy Softener, laid here to air dry- Delish smelling!
 Hello ceramic nice to meet you....

While I shopped, I'd receive this picture of my handsome birdie.....

I love you too baby....

 And because I get the giggles over the most silliest of silly.  I don't own a pair of "ankle socks"- Or whatever work with these boots...I tried to roll down a pair of Bill's.  And to say I didn't almost pee myself, and laugh that ugly laugh for too long over this...well, I did.  Just looking at this picture.  Freak. 

You guys....have you ever laughed hard at something so silly?

And this. 

Shelly sent this to me, and I thought.....yes.  

Laughter, and love.  Good for my soul.

And to my friends in the midst of the storms in life.  Remember.....

"This too shall pass"-

And it might just be shark week. 

Love and Light,

This Mama Lisa

ps. Kris is doing great.  Had a great time, and probably glad he's back because he had 20 missed calls from his mom.  
She's crazy like that. 


It's all just love, baby. 

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