Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Have you ever?

Thought about how you'd spend just one last day.

Here on Earth.  As your very last day.

Would you spend it a little different?

Would you hug those you love so tight, and never let go?

Would you tell them all the things you want to say?

Would you let the little things go that inch up your spine every single day?

Would you call that person you've meant to call?

Would you leave the note you meant to leave?

Would you take just one more picture with that person you love?

Would you hug tighter, and love harder?

As much as we worry on the daily, wouldn't it be nice to lay it down, and just live?

Keeping promises of love, and truly living life to the fullest, and yet not materialistic?

Would you really stop and smell flowers?

Would you look up in the air and admire birds?

Would you be thankful for the home you have?  The car? The bike?  The shoes? The warm jacket?

Today, and tomorrow, and for as long as your little soul will allow.....

And if you can't...remember to tell those you love, that you do.

Notes, notes and more notes.  Stash those little notes in places they'd never expect.

A smile. A nod. A hug.   Something you can't buy.

Honesty. Love. Faithfulness. Notes. And more love. 

Give it.  And if you're tired of giving it, change it. 

Happy Thanksgiving my friends.  Whatever you do, do it with a smile and do it with love. 

Tet the sable, and pour yourself another glass of turkey.

Love these steps.  Chuckle for my belly-

Go have fun, and be careful where ever you decide to go.

Stop and smell the flowers, and look up.  Always look up. We've looked down long enough....

Thankfulness does matter.

Have you ever wished that more people would honor the holiday with just being closed?
Stores closed, websites down, families together instead of torn apart by work?
When is the madness going to end?

Big love, and big hugs-


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