Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Watch Your Tongue. Watch Your Heart.

Full Moon kids....

Remember watch your tongue, and guard your heart. 

The next couple of days might offer moody moments, and most of all, grumps in your presence.

Tread lightly through it all. 

Missed my anniversary wish to my parents over the weekend.

Fifty One Years. 


Or as my dad says "sundeee"

My mom's reply  "Thank you sweetheart, you know this isn't always easy, tuff job. I wouldn't want any other man other than your dad.  We got more snow"

My dad's reply.  "Thanks Lisa, we got 6 more inches of snow last night! We need a break."

Kinda chuckled as I replied to both.  
To my mom..."I can only imagine mom, and thank you for hanging in there, at times I know for T and I"

And to my dad- "Well dad, at least you're not on fire watch"


Anyway, hope you're off to a good start to the week. 

Kali mentioned she's having some trouble sleeping..
The moon does that to us too :)



Had a quiet, peaceful weekend. 
Nice long walk on the beach with my birdie Kris and his doggo's.

Buckie will be TEN this Sunday.  His walks on the beach are far and few.  Thank goodness for Grammie and a wagon.  He does still love a good roll on whatever is dead on the sand. 
That sun felt sooo soo good!

Sweet week to you friends...



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