Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Rut Row

Well, shark week reared its gnarly head on a beautiful Monday morning.  Part of me is thankful it comes around for visits still (*as she sings "I feellll like a woman in her Shania Twang accent - LOL)  while another part of me is growing tired of walking around with cramps, eating every, and anything that will sit still for me to take a bite off. 

I know these things are not comfy to talk about. Even more so for my men followers, but lets just play like adults, and get a true feel for the gloom that ensues during shark week.



It makes me extremely tired.  Super grumpy.  Tearful and hurt easily. 

I had to chuckle this morning as I was navigating to work trying hard to rally around these fellers.

Because it seems fitting for such a gloomy foggy morning. With cramps.  Like a cry baby.

You know, the truth is, life feels like this..

Most especially on days like today.

But I am strong.

I am able.

I am healthy.

I can do this.

Cramps, crybaby-fest and all.

Bring it Tuesday, bring it!

Congrats to this fine girl on her retirement.

 Carmen, you did it!

Those juvie (she's been a Juvenile Hall Nurse for 30 years, and pardon me if I got my years wrong Carmen)  kids were lucky to have had your straight-shootin' soul.  No more feelin' like you're in the nail salon at the nurses station lol.  No more early mornings after long fun nights.  No more requesting time off to get the bullshit that she always wanted to hand back to you.  NO MORE! Now you'll wait for us to mingle and schmingle when we can. 


This Mama Lisa

Or in Carmens vocab, Layyyysaaa.

Love you guys...

Excuse me while I steer out of Rut-Row.

#wahhhhhhh #wahhhhhhhh

*My Pandora is set to John Denver.  *gives you my frame of mind- whatevs all the lolllzzz goodlawrd.org

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