Wednesday, February 27, 2019

And You Get Up And Keep Going.

My girlfriend from Oklahoma, Kerri, sent this to me last week. 

I sat in silence for the fifteen minutes it played staring into the eyes of a hurt, but very strong young-man. 

She never doubted his ability.  She never turned him away.  Although he has rough inherited edges, she trusted the path, HIS path, would lead to goodness. Albeit, a long road, he is getting there. 

As I stare at his eyes, his spirit, his demeanor, I just feel his pain.

Painful eyes. 

Painful past.

And yet, he's pushing through.

It's people like him I praise for getting up and going

It's his tenacity that will not let him fail.

It's his spirit, (bias to his GATE program

Maybe he's a kick ass skater, maybe he's a loyal human deep deep down.

Either way, and no matter what, I am so glad he has Kerri and Kevin behind him.

Even if in Oklahoma, he knows she's his biggest fan. 

Go Dakota, go!  And don't ever ever let your past stop you.

Another example of those standing next to us in line.  Sharing a smile to those in great need.

Although I am a skeptic these days of trusting pretty much anyone, I can certainly say, these moments teach me to appreciate some humans.  

Most especially young humans whom rise from grief. 

And pain.

Dakota, I hope you never stop believing in YOU.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Peace, LOVE, and kindness....

Mama Lisa

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