Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Littlest One.

I never knew just how deep a daughter and mothers love can get.  How we'd some days not see eye-to-eye and yet other days we'd mesh like two peas in a pod.  How we can stare at one another feeling the same pain, and yet I carried her in my body 22 1/2 years ago.  How I nursed your sweet body to flourish and become the chubbiest little cherub, whom sucked her thumb like it was her job. 
There's something about the memory of nursing your baby that never fades, because it's the most beautiful thing I ever was able to accomplish.
Hard, but amazing. 

I never knew how much I'd protect you, until you were mine.  How with every single doctor visit I'd beg to just peek at you again with his little ultrasound machine.  1.) Because I couldn't believe I was having a girl  2.) It still just amazed me to think I had this little baby in my belly wiggling around.

There's a classy side of you that will always intrigue me. Your makeup, outfits and hair can be so stunning.  And then there's the days of sweats, and messy buns HA! 
You wear heels better than your mama ever will.  

Valentines Day was a special little day for you when in elementary, mostly for the candy attached to any card.  You always cherished the cards tucked away in those bags.
I can remember making cupcakes one morning for your whole class, and you were not happy with the sprinkles I picked and so we covered them with candy hearts. 

You've attracted some of the most loving friends throughout the years.  The type of friends you'll have for a lifetime.  Those very friends dad and I feel honored to hang along with too. 

I am proud of your strength on the toughest, life altering, pulling your big girl undies up, type of days. IF there's one thing I've preached to you, is "This too shall pass" and it usually does.
Can't say the "just sleep on it" because you've inherited your sleepless sheet wrestlin' from me.
BUT, you get up and get shiz done. 

You're sassy when hungry (only to me, Grant, dad and bro-lol)  But you give your best to peers and colleagues.

You question things that don't seem right, and yet you make sure you at least "try" before asking mama for help.  (that's been a hard one for me to swallow. mama's want to fix it all)

Happy Valentines Kali. I hope you take the little lessons of just being kind to people, along with working hard for what you set your mind to, and get after it. 

Know when to hold em, and know when to fold em.  

Just know your worth, love hard, take care of yourself!

Love always, 


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