Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Well Hello Time Sucker....

For years I have tried to keep my electronic lifestyle simple.  So simple in fact, that I carried around a phone that looked like a phone straight out of Target that was a prepaid phone. Or. Wait. It WAS a prepaid phone that I just added to our plan, I just never wanted to be hooked in the lip at AT&T.  Don't get me started on why I didn't want to learn how to use an iphone.  Don't get me wrong, I am capable.  I just didn't want to stand in the phone store, and get sold on something that should simply be used for the basics. And basics mine was.  We all remember that time Karma bit me in the ass and I dropped that beauty and she shattered.  I heard for weeks and weeks that turned into months from Bill...."hun, what are you doing, you're gonna cut your finger!"-  um. no. I won't. 

I didn't cut my finger.  Or cheeks.  Everything just worked out fine.  What was thee most embarrassing page in the chapter of this phone was the urge to show someone a picture of my babies, or Bucks....or my kitties...

I would simply refrain.  -----YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE MY PHONE
-(almost tucking it behind my back like a child hiding something)

My closest friends got to meet my phone, and would laugh and poke serious fun at me. 
Lisa, OMG when are you gonna get a new phone girl! 

I know, I know....someday.  It wasn't a huge priority for me. 

Until last weekend when I decided to do something about it. 

After an HOUR of my life in the AT&T store....I ended up in a new relationship with a cell phone. 

A new time sucker.  Meet, Miss. Droid HTC 610, skinniest phone in all the land that I dropped the second morning at the grocery store but it didn't break.  

I have since ordered a cute "wood" cover. 

I've also learned to take awesome pictures, send emails, send texts', command verbal reminders, scroll through FB, and any or all social media outlets.  

Shit just got real kids. 

I went from a blueberry.  Remember my loving lover went diving for her?

 So many fun memories with her. 
 Isn't it crazy how close you become to your phone?  Think about the places our phones travel to...The vacations these boogers get. 

The rest of our weekend was spent on the beach here:
 Where we kept our eyes open for sharks more than good waves.  It's been years since Bill and I packed an ice chest, towels, sunscreen and just chilled on the beach.  The perfect day was had.  

I need a boob job so shut up, we already know. 

Later we showered, jumped in the bad ass vessel we call "Harbour Patron"

 And headed to our friends Paul and Mary where we narrowly escaped being jailed here in her new wine cellar.  THAT is the house you must run fast from when they start pouring.  It.Does.Not.Stop. HAHAHA!
I love you Mary, and I love your new wine cellar.  You are one lucky duckette.

   Bill's sister invited over for a bbq on Sunday...

 And I got to love on this sweet sugar "Bella"- a family friends dog.  Isn't she so cute!
The weeks have been long. The nights longer.  The constant dribbling at work. Life.  You know, you all get it. 

I think it's time to step away from the plate.  Whatya say?

 Ya I think it's time.

Happy week to you all.  I hope the sun shines extra bright for you.  

Big love, and bigger hugs.

Remember:  "Small Acts Of Kindness Change The World"

This Mama Lisa

ps. So if you send me a text just remember I am still learning to use my little new time sucker and all it's glory-

pss.  I have this cute dresser for sale.  Works awesome, good quality.  Just changing the decor a bit.
$50.00 and it's yours.
I'll even throw in the mirror and shells-

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