Thursday, July 2, 2015

Good-Bye Favorite Shoes.

I snuck up to the lake with a couple of my home-girls last weekend.

The story goes something like this......

We arrive, it's 115 out.  We started sipping alcohol infused drinks *shocker*. Chatting, sipping, floating, laughing, sipping, floating....

We proceeded to continue on this path floating in the pool and singing along to Rod Stewart, Stix, Journey loud enough that I am quite sure our neighbors will compliment that show the next time I see them.
We continued on until our hearts were content and our tummies were hungry.

After a quick shower and rally to prep for dinner. I put on my favorite wedges.
Black ones that I've had for about 10 years. I LOVED THEM.  We were inseparable.
No lie. I loved them.  I could run in them, cart wheel in them, dance like a stripper in them-lol-.  You name it, those wedges I and completed many fun escapades together.  They were my most favorite.

After a call in for a ride to dinner, we safely made it to these steps in front of Cha Bones-
If you are Havasuians' please look at these steps on London Bridge road in the back side of the restaurant. We called them the steps to" no-where- "

To say our shuttle driver was glad to get us out of the van is an understatement.  We took our own delicious bottle of wine, AND our own wine glass(plastic) along on this trip.  We managed to get through dinner, which was silly fest 2015.  After dinner the best decision we made was to call that shuttle dude and get back home.  When we boarded back into the shuttle, there was 10 beautiful girls heading out for a bachelorette party.  I can just remember thinking, oh my gosh, we're a mess, and they all look adorable....but we've made our path.  We work hard, we play harder....AM I RIGHT?!   As we drop them off, I find this piece of "something that looks like a door stop" under my feet.  I pick it up, and toss it at Roxanne.  We are both laughing hysterically.  She tosses it back.

We get home, I step out of the van in our driveway and instantly feel the disaster. 
That door stop was the soul of my shoe.  
And so that was the night I said good-bye to my lovers.  You were so good to me wedges.  I am so sorry I threw you around in that shuttle.  I will miss you black shoes. 
I know I have plenty of other heels and wedges, but treated me so well.  Those dance moves. The martini's I could walk around like a rock star after, with.  All of it. I will miss you. 

Saturday morning consisted of many licks to our wounds.  Mimosa's, and lots of floating there.  More talk.  Lots of catching up was done.  Especially enjoying just a tiny slice away.  

When the temps rise to 115, you really have no other choice than to follow the path we followed.  

Who wants to play yahtzee and build a puzzle inside when you can float outside in a pool with fridge a mere 15 feet away filled with cocktail makings?  

Not us, that's for sure. 

If you ever spot some cute black wedges up above, help a sister out, and grab em for me k?

Like how did they fall apart anyway?

You know it's hot when your shit falls apart.  HAHAHAHAHA!

Cheers!  What's everyone doing for the 4th?

Happy Birthday America!

We have a couple events tucked up our sleeves....

Whatever you do, be safe, and remember to bring your pets inside-


Big love, 

This Mama Lisa

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