Monday, July 6, 2015

Blog Post Appetizer

Have you ever experienced a "staycation" and felt so relieved for the lack of travel?

Well, we did.
In between paddle boarding, dock sitting, and dancing in the sand....this is a sneak peek of what our family and some friends sent back and forth....via cell phone devices------
 I came home to these on Thursday....
Love deposits for the win-
My first text to the kids..."Look what Dad surprised me with"
 After paddle-boarding on Friday morning, he made me these egg tacos.....I know...I know...roll your eyes kids.  Way too much gushy gush...but when a man does a good deed-A good deed needs a watered seed.
Second text to the kids  "And he makes me breakfast"...

 When nothing else but that dock looks appealing, that's where you plant your seat.  Bathing suits, magazines, and this.  The littlest pole he tossed into the water---caught the best catch of the day...

Not sure of what I like more-- that little bent pole, or the genuine smile on this face-  
We knew it wasn't the smile on poor fishies face!.....Don't fret friends, we unbuckled him and sent him right back to swimmin'-

 Between this and that...we did a heck of alot of this.....Bucksie's face says it all....

Second catch of the day....

I'd send a text to the kids, and they'd send some right back....
 Kali and her posse spent the day out at Isla Vista-Santa Barbara-Frat House Mayhem-Talk about a partayyy--
 And a text from Kris....down in San Diego. Both kids on opposite sides of the waterside. 
 Have no fear though, because we had our sillies cut out for us....Seal Beach 2nd Annual Band In The Sand- Funnest night---
 It gets better.....
Wait for it.....

Bam.....And this concludes Friday July 3, 2015-  And then of course I'd like to give a shout out to our uber driver that swept Bill and I right back home like a boss....holla!
As we stepped into "THE 4th OF JULY"- I sent a text to my girlfriend Theresa that has crossed my mind lately quite a bit...and her response was this..."At my brothers in North Dakota enjoying the simple life"
My reply back to her was "Oh my goodness T"-  Enjoy. EVERY. SECOND.
My mind instantly went into a frenzy of the "what if's" -  I know it's a big picture of fantasy land...but just for a second, can you just imagine tucking yourself in that cute little house, or better yet, running on that freshly cut grass?  The whole picture screams "Happy 4th of July"

Our night was spent out on the water...headed to the big ol' QM with our 6 Pack.
 Blurry but you get the point....Thank you REYNOLDS for our always amazing boat rides together... and to Randy for being the ever so safe skipper.  Thank you Turks for the amazzzzzing bacon and goat cheese my mouth waters again...

SO many pictures to scroll through.  So many memories made in the most simplest form. 

Some of our best memories are from plans that had no plans. 

Stay tuned for the many I took with my good camera...

This was your appetizer- 

For my BEACH SOCCER friends, we were honored to watch the World Cup Women's Soccer game last night at the Sicklers. 
  Thank you Sicklers for your always warm hospitality.  If there is one home that I can easily step into and feel sincerely right at home, it's there.

Big Love friends...

Hang tight for your main dish of pictures...

This Mama Lisa

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