Monday, November 4, 2013

Looking back....

The weekend was a quick whirlwind. It started with pure goodness.  With family, food, yummy cake and good love, while we celebrated our sweet girl's Chapter 18. 
As family made their way from far away...through traffic, and a long week....we landed here. 
It's not until I go back through the many pictures I take, that reality pinches my cheeks.  Our babies aren't babies any more.  
This girl was a toddler months ago.  It seems.  And I kept staring at her....
She shared sweet stories, and many laughs...with us all. 
Those eyes....
The laughter that filled the room.  Sharing the moments with her boyfriend....
Making wishes for a new beginning....
Thanking her Mom for the dinner, and gathering....

Thanking her for giving us all a place to unwind, and reminisce about birthdays.  Celebrations.
It was a perfect night...

Soon, we'd pack up and head home where things got real poopy real quick. 
If THIS doesn't explain things, well then.....I don't know what would.  I won't spare you what washed up and showed it's appearance in the toilets, shower and tubby.  Chunks of shizzazle....mixed with TP.  Good stuff kids, good stuff.  Thank goodness for spare rooms, and trundle beds...that's for sure. 
Soon enough the sun would rise, the coffee would be poured at Woody's, while we encased Gaylord like book ends at the counter...We fueled up for this fine day, with these fine peeps.  Hey world, meet the Castillo's.  Our boy Gio's parents.   
We'd catch their game vs. Poly where they spanked some bootay.  His triple as we arrived was just the first fine layer of the cake we'd catch.
The sun was bright, the sunflower seeds were in full flow, and the win was just what we all needed...(Gio playin'1st)

Good game Poly....
Sunday rolled into this....BEACH vs. STRIKERS at Redondo High...(beautiful school by the way)....We walked away with a tie.

Next up...we have Chapter Seventeen girl.....
A  nice dinner party to celebrate these seventeen years.  A gathering of old friends, new friends...and as always delicious food.  boom.
Nothing better than a brother teaching us how to "Smize"-
Oh Jo, I love you so.   I love you too sweet Sav...and I wish you many, many more birthdays filled with good moments, happy friends, family, and a brother just like this.
Along with days filled with sugar like this....
A Grandma like this.....
An Auntie Lisa like this....
But most of all, I wish you birthday girls a very very awesome year, and many more healthy and happy ones to come.  This life is fast.

How did you spend your weekend kids?

Hopefully it was full of laughter.  Good food, and many good hugs.

If not, well I hope your days were just as you wanted.

Because you deserve it.

Big love, and another HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TOR TOR! Happy 17th Miss. Sav!

Keep on keeping on.

And yes, the shizzy situation has been cleared for take off.
The smize has been mastered.
The Monday morning blues rolled in faster that I wanted, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Gotta make a difference in this life.  Starting

ps. Sunday I was thankful for sunny soccer.  And today I am thankful for seat warmers.

Spread love,

The Mama Lisa

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