Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Closing chapters, and filling others.

As I mentioned last week, our soccer life was soon coming to an end.
An end, as in twelve years playing soccer.   Different coaches, different girls, parents, cheering grandparents.  It soon came to an end.  On Saturday out in Santa Barbara.

I love that little town by the sea. 
As I loaded the car of all things yummy for lunch, along with warm clothes, and blankets...I passed these ol' cleats of hers.  I know they look haggered.  They are.  She's offered new cleats every year.  But she most always declines.  Unless her feet have grown, she loves her old cleats.  It's a personal thing.
My sis decided to join us for the ride out to Santa Barbara.  3 hours in off and on traffic....we made it. 
As I watched her walk out to warm up one more time, I sat very quiet.  I had this strange relief wash over me. 
All that she's accomplished.  All the friends she's made.  All the friends I've made.  The new set of rules and respect taught from some of the finest coaches around.  Although it was coming to an end.  This part of her book will no longer cover soccer chapters.  It's a good set of memories that's for sure.
One of the best coaches ever.  Eddie, we will forever take what you've shared, taught and gave.  Your kindness, faith for the game, and love towards each girl will forever be embedded in my being.  Kali will talk about Eddie...or Eduardo forever and ever.  We will always think of you when we see "throat lozenges" - As you belted your vocal insides across the many many fields we visited.  You are the fine one Eddie, you are.  May your new bride to be, and soon (hopefully..babies too) live the life with such an anchor of goodness.  You are one good dude, my friend.  Thank you from the bottom of my soccer mom heart.   
I noticed she played a little rougher.  A little pep in her step, if you will...
I tried to capture the moment.  You know those days, where you wish you could just stuff it in a capsule and open it up again another day.  The cheering...the smell of the turf, or the fresh green grass, and the sunblock from their faces.  The dirty cleats on the ride home.  The quiet moment if the loss got the best of her.  The vibe in the air if the winning flag flew from our car on the ride home.  The little packed snacks she'd nibble on while we headed home.   I have tons of pictures...Thank goodness.....
I have some videos, and I have some great close up shots.
I made some of my most precious friends here.  I cried with defeat next to them, and we partied like the best of em.   We wished big dreams together, and we've watched plans change, because people and kids change.  
As she gathered together with her team for one last time, I had to grab my goods and head off the bleachers.  I stepped aside, then down on the field.  Something she did, will for sure be in my heart forever.  She sat there on the bench.  By herself.  She removed her cleats.  She removed her shin-guards, and her socks.  She slipped on her shoes for the ride home.  She grabbed at her pony tail over and over, and tears began to fall.  I walked away.  One of her long time team mates, Sav (goalie) said some of the kindest words one could possibly speak, as she walked off the field with a lump so big in her throat, and eyes that held tears so high up.  Sav said "So Kali..how's it feel..?  Are you ok girl?"  As she wrapped her arm around Kali's shoulders.

And that?....that my friends is how you close out a chapter of soccer.  Kindness.  Good tears.  A loss, but played in a beautiful city.  With your Auntie present.  Your Mom, the rock of rocks.   Back on the 101, headed home.  Not to cry because it was over....but smiling, because it happened.  Forever my little hero.  My soccer stud, my forever #4.  #13   and #2.   So proud of you Miss Kali. 

Sunday morning, I awoke as I do. In search of my cup-o-jo, phone, and lover- ipad- and found this text from my Aunt.  You all might remember this Aunt as I've spoke of her before.  She's the Aunt that taught me a thing or seven about parenting. She always believed in me.  Well...she read my Saturday blog post.  It's contents about death, religion and life....

She sent me this. It took me a few moments, and re-reads to fully comprehend it's contents.  In fact, I've read it a couple times since. 
It helps to give me an understanding that maybe, just maybe God will stand next to me during those long early middle of the night worries.  That I can turn to Him for peace, and comfort.  Thank you for the time you took to send that to me....Yes, I am a skeptic and true blooded girl with the first last name of T.  I love you Aunt Ronda and Uncle Wade. 

Dad surprised us in the morning with an amazing banana pancake breakfast and veggie eggs.   The sun shined down, a light breeze didn't chill us, it just made the morning much more clear.  Much more special.
Soon after our meal, we'd step inside to catch Derek race.  He's at Pace University in NY.  Currently breaking records.  
Remember these days of swimming the channel race at Thanksgiving?
Where he won third, then second out of 120 people?  2009
We watched live.  So awesome.  So proud of you Deker!  Keep on keeping on dude.  You have moved many mountains waves on your own.  And it's showing...
This little dude sat out while we fished.  

And let docks loose.  
 And took little boats out to catch the big one.
I love this picture of Chase.  That beard....oh, that beard!

And while those hillbillies bailed out....
We sat, right. there. all. the. live. long. day.

Mama made more snacks, and veggie goodness...
And sipped cocktails. 
No worries, I ate more munchies. 

While he put her hair in a bun. 
 Oh, whatcha got there?!
I Love you Bill.

Monday soon rolled around, and while we did more college stuff, a day off for me along with a plan to attack this little cute hike was in the works. What better way to look out at the ocean and shout gratitude for our Veterans then and now.  Serving for our freedom.
Seascape Trails in Palos Verde.  

Do yourself a favor.  Go there.  Plan a trip when the Santa Ana winds are in the mix...during the fall and winter months.  It's an almost guarantee of clear skies, and a view across the ocean like no other.  Parking is a breeze. Pack a lunch...or find some good lunch.

I walked ahead to get a little work out....and every so often I'd peak back at these two in deep convo.  
I was also worried they wouldn't respect the snakes.  ha. 

It was quite the day.  A day filled with laughter, and good hiking.  
You must also do yourself another fine favor, and dine at Terrenea Resort.  Just do it. 

The place is fabulous.  It's plush, yet wide open.  It's fine, yet able to go simple.  It's fancy, yet earthy goodness is there.  It's rich and expensive, yet planning ways can accommodate.  Pack a lunch, bring a sweatshirt, some good walking shoes.  And go. 

 Senior year....Chapter 18 and Chapter 17. 

 No looking back now kids, it's time to get this show on the road.
All things are looking up.  Planning, moving, searching and loving.  It's all happening. 

 These two keep me proud. 

My little is not so little anymore. 

"The place to improve the world, is first in one's own heart and head and hands."
The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes_of_the_day.html#SYXVQ1BqbU1VGEsv.99

The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes_of_the_day.html#SYXVQ1BqbU1VGEsv.99

Make the best of the week....because "no one can figure out your worth but you"-

Today I am thankful for the beautiful days I am able to share with my kids-

May peace be with you and yours,

Lisa Lynn

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