Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wonder where I've been?

I know, me too.  It started with this.

It was also FULL of soccer.  Lost a couple, and won, one.  boom.

Talked in full detail about Fiberglass all day Sunday.  Because I am bad ass like that

And have realized that if I don't keep our company above water, well.....it will in fact sink. And I am too strong and proud to let go of something after all of these years.


So, if you wonder where I will be, or have been, it's knee deep in all things.....fiberglass, employees, dough, and lots and lots of paperwork that flows really close to a thing that rings. all. day. long.  And baffles the shit out of me at the end of most days.

Wonder why I don't call you back friends? ha.  And drink like a sailor on the weekends?  kidding.  well, not really. HA!

I. Can. Do. This.   I am a strong girl.  And I will kick ass.

In respect to the sweet things, and kindness that flows-  In the midst of all things crappy, I received texts'. From friends.  Like Donna.  And Mary.  And Kyoko.  One specifically from Donna, "Hey girl, haven't heard from you..hope all is well".  I teared up.  And cried.  And texted her back and said, "yea ya know those shitty moments in life..and work..." that's all.  She said....more sweet things.  What would you do without girlfriends. The rocks in life. That show up at the most perfect time.

Not to mention my munchkins that continue to make me laugh on the daily.  I will be glad when Chapter Seventeen is in school all day, and my house stays organized.  OCD disorder is in full force. 

Another friend had me over for a glass of wine on Sunday night...and gave me the cutest wine necklace of all time.  Hmm.  Wine.  Necklace.  Good talk. Yes, please.  And thank you.

Oh.  And...here's the kicker...my MOM sent me a random text that said..."honey, Dad and I wanted to tell how proud we are of you, and an amazing mom, you always have been a leader."   talk about boom.
no, seriously, boom.  

It's these moments kids.

Bill and I holler'd at eachother like two cowboys in a gunfight in the middle of the desert.  And I did want to pull out my gun.  That's just me.  I cried like no other.  He yelled like no other.  We both say things out of frustration. It's life.
It's not perfect. But it's what creates and makes our life worth living later.  At least that's what I keep reminding myself.  Right?  I do love boat rides, and visits to far away places  The only way to get there is to work my ass off, and get there.  And I will kids.  I will.

Ok, enough of me.  How's your life?  Good?  Perfect? Shitty?  Are you skipping up stream like there isn't a tomorrow?  Partying like a rockstar?

In other good deeds of planning, I've shopped with Chapter Seventeen girl for school that starts, tomorrow.

Tomorrow kids.  She will meet new teachers.  New friends. She will guide Freshmen around with all the kindness in her heart.  She will.

As Gianni (best boyfriend of the year award goes to....) and I followed her around each store last night with music blaring in our ears so loud that I could hardly think about what to plan for dinner.  We made it happen.
Funny how when  you are shopping for someone else, everything in the world cute, and cheap pops up in front of you.

If someone can tell me why Abercrombie and Hollister continue to spray cologne and perfume in and out of their store like nobody's business...it's disgusting.  It really is.  Thank goodness Kali isn't into their clothes anymore.

Moving on to something real.  Consider this amazing kids, about school lunches.  Whether you have little ones, or little grandkids.  I would recommend making their lunches.  Seriously gross stuff out there these days.
Although I was part of the "lunch program" as a little one.  I only remember liking the "square" soggy pizza's ha!....and the mashed potatoes.

This kid will and should move mountains.

School Lunches

His 20 minute documentary website is an eye opener for people across our nation.
There is no reason for a child to eat that kind of food.  It takes less than fifteen minutes to make a lunch.
Simple, yet healthy, and safe. It is possible.  Trust me.  It is.

Thanks for hanging with me lover heads.

Life is real.
It's hard.
It's good.
And it's flippin strange too.

Keep on swimming.

If I can, you can.

Big Love,

This Mama Lisa

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