Thursday, August 1, 2013


I am alive.

Remember I told you how weird last weekend was?

Saturday morning.....
I may have backed my car into a basketball hoop pole.
While doing so, Kali was drinking her water from our glass water containers.
Her lip was popped and gum smashed. A fat lip and some blood.
Tears happened.  Between us both.
Yes, tears.  My car is fine.  Small crack and dent.
Hurting my girl?  Tears.  

Saturday evening (after getting our asses handed to us on the field and losing 4-0) we rushed home to prepare for Jodee's birthday gathering, Kali shows me "her rash" that was getting worse by the hour.  All over her legs, tummy, and chin.
Sunday morning she has red cheeks and a fever.
We head to urgent care.
We were sent off after an awesome breakfast.  He is our Sunday morning Chef, and makes the yummiest breakfast-  And smoothies too. 
Urgent care doctor tells us it's Staph and a skin infection, and prescribes antibiotics and ointment, we head home.
And home she's been while it spread and is now darker and scarier looking.  (Gio, if you read this, I will forever be grateful for your love, support and kindness to Kali this week....#awesomeboyfriend #Wiichampion). We returned on Tues to her actual doctor who says, yes, it looks awful but will go away.  We are led to believe it came from a dirty jacuzzi they soaked in last Thursday night at some apartments nearby in Seal.  #teenlife.  #bootlegjacuzzikids

I blogged on Monday, and while I went in to add another post, my router died, and somehow in between I deleted my Monday's post.  This is the 2nd time I've done that. 

Life without a computer as a blogger is a terrible thing kids.  But no worries though, the home boy in India hooked. me. up.  Seriously on a Tuesday night at 9pm, one hour, and one hundred "I'm sorry, can you say that again".....   boom.  fixed. 

This week started off on the wrong foot, and stayed that way until last night.  In my industry of work, and the job title I carry, things happen.  Not always fun, and not always good.  Most days I can handle stresses, people, employees, money, blah blah blah.  But for some reason, it all melted me in a bad way.  Through quiet walks.  Prayer.  Tears.  Texting back and forth with good friends. And sister...(T, I loved your text yesterday...I love you-kindness melts me) I feel better.  One of my home girls pulled me out to play.  Wine-in Styrofoam cups, duh.       Laughter.  Hugs.  And good long talks. 

And there she is.  
Concert at the pier.  With these two beauties too.  (We missed you Leslie!)
And this feller. 
 Love this picture.
Although the music on the menu was Bluegrass......
 To see kids enjoying the good outdoors with music, and family while holding hands and's all too good.
 It's a happy place, that's for sure.  Last night it was a cooler happy place....

I am happy to say I knocked the stress god on the head last night. After wrestling him to the ground.  I think he's gone.  It's been rough. But I am tough. 
And I have mad rhyme skillz.  ha.

Update on Kali-  Rash is gnarly. Gross and healing.  Scary, and a little enlightening too.  Her doctor said she will be prone to this rash again.  I guess staph is something you don't mess with.
Dirty jacuzzi probably too, right?  Right Kali?  boom.

Update on Gaylord-  He was moved to a shit hole skilled nursing facility where few speak English, and those being rehab'd will have to fight for their right.
We knew it wouldn't be an easy road, but wow.  This stuff is getting real.  

Thanks for waiting on this chick to get her act together and send you some love.
I missed blogging.

I hope this day and end of week is good to you.

My boy is flying to North Carolina tomorrow to visit some chickie-doodle.  Prayers needed indeeded.  boom
At the ripe age of almost Chapter twenty four, it's this prime time to see what's out there in the big ol' world right?


Go get after it kids,

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it, and hang on"

Big love,

This Mama Lisa.  

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