Monday, July 8, 2013

Salty evening air filled our memories.

Last week our beach town was covered with fog.  Almost all day.
My heart felt as though it was necessary.
Kind of like the sky covering tears of many that fell.
And will continue to fall.
It's still so surreal.
In more ways than one can imagine.
 As you plan a gathering of friends and keep in mind those less fortunate.
Those less able.
Those suffering.

Life finds a way, perseverance pushes us further and maybe, just maybe hope may soon prevail.

We celebrated our beautiful country in a way that was lightly planned, yet turned out to be the sweetest plans.
Full of music.  Laughter.  Food.  Kayaks.  Paddleboards. Docks on the bay...and of course salt water mixed with sea sand.

It was that kind of beautiful.  You know the kind that makes a Mama's heart full.  That kind.

 Sunset Beach Annual Horseshoe tournament.  
 Bill's new creation.  Quite the silly "Barge"-
Chapter SEVENTEEN.  Seniors.  boom

We missed you Mackenzie.  We sure did little one.
Loving cousins. 
And loving our babies.
The salty water refreshes way deep inside...
It's those friends that always make it extra warm.  

And just being them. 
Those friends that will always bring a smile.  And love.  
It's friends we've had for a very long time.
Introducing us to new friends too. 
It is this thing called life.  
Getting through it together.
 Staying warm, loving and generous while we do.
 Siblings floating along the salty sea.  Together.  Laughing while we can. 
In this life. 
While we can. For smiles, for health and for laughter. 
It's what keeps our heart singing.  And alive.  
And I would want it no other way. 

 Dancing along to music and shimmering sunlight. 




sand. and little eyes.

This life.

The 4th of July Two Thousand Thirteen.

Success when the last thing on the grill is a fish just caught. 

Sleepy paddle boards.  Thank you for your safe sailing.

Thank you America.   Man, we live in a great country. 
Our night ended late, and the sun graced us early.

And so the gathering continued.

Saving baby Swallows too....
Yes, this fine feller lives in the very water we swim in.  #omg

And before you know it....

Another beautiful sun kissed us goodnight.

 It was a week(end) filled with some amazing moments.
 Some tears.  Mostly laughs.
 Thank goodness we are able.
 I hope you had a beautiful water filled weekend friends.
 Maybe your toes were in the sand.  Maybe they weren't.
 I just hope you are holding on to that little flame.
 That little light of hope.
 Of love.
 Of standing for what you believe in.

 Remember smile when you can.  If you can't, try hard.  Someone in this world needs you, and that beautiful smile.

This life is yours.  Own it.

Happy week kids. Filter what is trash, and what is treasure.  You be the judge.  And follow your instinctual heart.  It's usually right.

May it be filled with nice people.  Kind gestures.  And good food.

Love to each of you kids,

Lisa Lynn.

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