Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco De Marvelous..will you BBQ for us?

Kali was invited to Savanna's party Friday night at Acapulco.  Another gathering of friends.  Sweet sixteens are rolling in like the tide.  Fast.  All of them.  Shopping.  Dresses.  Fun times.  Praying they stay safe while enjoying these precious.... Oh so precious years. Bill and I sat right here.  Enjoyed our little happy hour. For like 5 minutes because I was too cold.  waahh.

Here's half of the group.  They migrate to one house.  Fill that house with all things pretty.  Take lots of pictures...and move on to the party.  Megan's Family opened their home.  Lots of giggles, hairspray, flat irons, outfit double checks.  And...more pictures.  I have been banned.  Kali is over The Mamarazzi. She just is.  She promises me she will take them.  She does. I love them.  She was home by midnight.  I was awake.  We talked, and ate...and talked.'s surprising on WHAT really does go on at parties.  The most innocent looking seem to be up to more mischief.  Scary.  Enlightening.  Thankful.  Mothers of young daughters.  TALK to your girl.  From the littlest of ages...TALK to them. Share...and listen.  Explain and talk.  Talk Talk Talk.  about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.  Got that?  Everything. 
We woke up to sunshine just barely peeking through the clouds.  Just barely.  I rolled out of bed to find Bill working on the yittle itty yacht.  Fixing that cliche of frontwards backwards dilemma.  Kali and I pulled him away for a walk to Farmers Market.  Cute little place. Walking distance.  The perfect place for all things organic.  All things peaceful. Just the perfect spot to share Saturday morning with. 

Bill opted for this Breakfast Crepe.  I chose a chicken Empanada.  They both were perfectly planned for our tummies. 
Kali's still on her mission for all things Fresh, Organic and Bread-Free...Her choice of juicing the veggies you see.  Just a few. I am beginning to appreciate her little regime.  I mean who really wants to keep our muffin top during summer?  It's getting harder and harder the older I get.  I know shhh Lisa, because you think "What are they talking about"? We all have our little bouts of body guilt. But in all honesty, my heart was made from my Ramirez side.  Filled with all things Cholesterol and blood pressure.  I must take Meds.   Every single night of my life. eh em. Thank you Genetics. 
A sneak peek of our kitchen. (Bill and Kali juicing away) After 6 years of pla$$nning....and getting through some very very.  One more time...VERY difficult business times. It's getting close.  Very close.  I made a last ditch effort to find Starfish Tiles for over the sink.  I am on a mission.  I will post pictures as it gets even closer.  For those of you that know how long we've waited...IT IS SO CLOSE!  Note: Under that cardboard is the most beautiful wood flooring you'll ever see.  Booya!
Mark and Jordan have had good luck with fishing lately.  A quick jaunt around the harbor before heading out....I had to snap a shot.  After all...looking back soon enough, Jordan might not want to hang with Daddy on the dock as much.  That time is coming fast.  He'll be graduating 8th grade soon.  Everything just happens too fast.
Our plans got quickly changed.  So we opted to sit on the dock of the bay.  With our teen daughter, whom usually has Soccer, or plans....I SOAK up the time with her. I truly love every minute.  Well, minus when she has the laser tongue. 
We pulled the yacht around for her to take out later....Hence the silly looks from her.  Sooo tired of our pic's. 
But I love them so much.   Kali soon to be 16.
Cozy wozy. How could one resist on such a beautiful day.

Quick little cruise before we host Kali's gathering....

I spot a starfish looking at me.
Cruising by this sweet little smiley girl...?  Or is that...I'm waiting for you guys to hurry up and lay everything out the way Mom does it so I don't have to worry? Because my friends are coming over and I am getting really nervous.   I think so.   (Keep in mind we are still in camp-out mode.  Doing dishes in the bathroom and lucky enough to have a plastic table as our dining table, slash....everything table)  But we managed.  We will look back soon and appreciate this table.  And the shower to do dishes in. 

Because our schedule was moved around just a bit...we decided to hang on the dock.  Kali asks us "Will you BBQ for me, Gianni, Kell and Jeremy"?   My response "Of course Kee"....So off to Whole Foods we went....picked up just enough Salmon, Chicken and lots of fruits and veggies.

Plus these two little birdies arrived too.  Bam! One happy Mama. 
Eating in time to go catch the sunset......

We all laughed when she pulled away....I think it was so obvious that Gianni is still so nervous around us.  Mom, Dad and Bro in presence.  Should I sit next to her? Should I not? 

Wonder what is speaking out loud in that little boat?

As they drove off, we sat and caught this side of the sunset. 

She sent me this picture....Guess he moved on over.....haha!!  She sent me another one. But she is kissing his cheek.  I worried the judgeralla's in my fam bam will make their silly little comments.  So I will stash away in her 15th year in this life.   Memory keeper forever. 
My Mom sent me a message about the mega Moon.  It was pretty amazing....
Kris and Lizo caught this fishie.  It was quickly Dad-e-o would be proud.  We also let all the bait we bought go too.   Aren't we the nicest peeps you know?  Vaaahhrrrry. 
This morning our friend Alfred's son "Shawn" was racing out in Glen Helen.  A place that Bill spent time riding when younger too.  Bill asked us if we wanted to head to this beautiful dirt guy place for the day... Buuuutt  I chose to get home and get my normal errands, chores. blogging..lunches and dinners planned. 
But before Kali and I came home we stopped at our little Fav Blackboard's in Seal.  While sitting there chatting and really starving...I was starving.  When you find yourself watching every move the waitress makes because you CAN'T wait for a coffee refill, or anything for that matter.  I found the sugar packets had little notes.  Each one read something different.  How perfect is this?  Especially enlightening for Sunday.  Start the week off with something that means so much to many of us, yet is forgotten while we bury our minds in the hustle of work, school, planning and just daily life.   Kisses, and most importantly HUGS mean more to people than we may know or understand.   I know at times they are uncomfortable for many. It's like that space we all yearn for.  Yet if you reach beyond a comfort zone and make sure you hug your child.  Or Spouse...or friend.  It makes a difference.  They do.  Happy Sunday everyone.  I wish I loved Sundays.  I really don't love them. I like them.  But I love this Sunday. It's beautiful out.  My flowers are in full bloom.  My kids are safe, healthy and alive.  I am thankful.  Muah!  XO

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