Friday, March 15, 2019

Life's Pages.

Such is the pages in this life that can flip and flop daily.  Each week.

Things can change.

Kali's bout with Salmonella poisoning was an eye awakening little experience. (Also, side note-The County Nurse paid a drop by visit to our home, and stalked Kali down by phone calls until she could write a report of when, where and what Kali ate. We believe Kali undercooked chicken bought from Trader Joes) I was impressed by their action. Unimpressed that the lady was super hard to understand with a language barrier. Insert emoji with eyes rolled. #mamaspetpeeveforlife 
Pain so bad in her gut we both didn't know what was going on.
And yet, the tough little cookie she is, she forged through with a mild smile at times for mama.

And then days later she and Grant would be atop the most amazing view in Cabo for Grant's birthday.
Sending us this picture, all I could think of, is just how good God is.  And medicine. Ha!

Pages in this chapter.  A week ago they'd take this picture.  

Happy Weekend friends...may your days be filled with sunshine, soil, wine, or good smiles from those you love.

Pass out those smiles to strangers.  The world needs it more than ever right now.

This Mama Lisa

*Disclaimer for those top pictures, if I come up missing it's because she took me down to the river-side and dropped me in.  Kali, you'll always be beautiful make-up free.

pss.  How bout' those Hollywood parents buying out the college professors, coaches and admissions staff!  Pieces of shit covered in glamour fake BS.  Whew.  Got that off my chest.  
To think our kids bust their asses to get to where they're going.   GREED!

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