Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Food For Pondering.

Was gonna type Food For Thought, but then I remember a teacher in high school (Math, my least favorite subject) would say this before drilling us on these timed sheets each morning. I loathed that man.  He actually scared me. LOL 
YO-- Mr. Douglas, was a stern fine feller...

So, we'll use Food For Pondering.

This caught my eye this morning...

Words of truth, and words to chew on.

“You made my day”

When your day gets made, how long does it last? A made day–is that different from a normal day?
Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a made hour or, if we’re going to be quite truthful, a made minute.
When something bad happens, we can revisit the humiliation and anxiety for months. But the good stuff, if we don’t work at it, can pass right by.
We get what we remember, and we remember what we focus on.

Often times I come across words of wisdom from the world wide web, and I enjoy his perspective at times.

I hope you can find pieces too.

Happy Wednesday!  

More sunshine and blue skies...
Hope the procrastination party is coming to an end, thankyouverymuchcloudycolddays. 


This Mama Lisa

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