Thursday, March 21, 2019

Favorite Season.

A few months back I purged like a mad-woman.  Clearing out my old hutch, closets, and some desk drawers.  Stuffed into those pieces of furniture were years and years of holiday decor.  I had an abundance of Halloween goods. (now that my kiddo's are grown, I didn't put anything out)

I have had St. Patty's, Christmas, etc. 

And then there was Easter.  I donated a handful of my stash. 

Feeling the regret this month.

Easter has always been my favorite. It's a fresh season.  The sun in shining a little longer.  Everything is green.  The sights and smells of Easter are just beautiful to me.

The whole thing about Lent has always intrigued me and yet I've never given anything up.  Just admire those who do.  Especially those who give up wine.  *take a bow to you.

Can we just stare at his ears a little longer?

 My taste has changed a tiny bit, but I do regret my favorite little candy dish that both kids would snatch the jelly beans from.  

Like why didn't I just keep it?

I hope today is better for you all.  The full moon energy sincerely kicked my ass.  Shark week is on my radar, as the pimple on my forehead is in clear view.

My lower back is falling off.

I will eat you if you stop long enough for me to take a bite.

Actually if you're not salty or sweet, I most likely won't.

Stay loyal.  Stay true.  To you.

And sip good wine.  

Hard work deserves good wine.

Forever and ever amen. 

This Mama Lisa

[Go back and look at that baby's ears one more time.  You're welcome. K bye.]

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