Friday, May 13, 2016


It's here------> Friday The Thirteenth.  How about that?!  Bill, I say this directly to you, with a chuckle on my face.
He growls and howls at my superstition.  I can't help it.  ha.
Can't stop, won't stop.  

A few things about me.  Some you probably know, and some, maybe not. 

I totally believe that full moons add mayhem to this Earth. And humans.  
I don't really have fear of the whole Friday 13th vibe.  

I am trying to get "into" the gym.  Not my thing, but giving it 85% of my thoughts, mind and body. 
I don't wear socks with my gym shoes.  Nike hand-me-downs from Kali.  Thankyouverymuch.
I love coffee. 

I put milk and raw sugar in my coffee and steer clear of fancy creamers-
I love cold water. I drink a gallon a day.
I love old school hip-hop/rap.  Hey Dr. Dre, Snoop...NOTORIOUS B.I.G. bring it baby.
I loved our dinner with Kris and Jen last night.  Heart overfloweth. 
I love clean sheets and a tightly made bed. 
I love bread.  Preferably squaw. Sourdough, give me butter baby. 
 Someone recently told me something that grabbed my heart, and squeezed it hard-"Call those you love because one day you won't get the chance to hear their live voice again"
I love to laugh hard. Preferably NOT at inappropriate times. #drivethrus 
I have such an amazing relationship with God.  
I don't care to sit and watch movies.  #weirdo
Give me documentaries and call it a day... #love
My eyesight is...gone with the wind.
I love horsepower and fast boats. #nosurprise

I have zero tolerance for a crying kid in a restaurant.  #takethemoutside  
I love redwine.  #3glassmax. #2minimum #cantdrinkalone #boring 
I could stare at the ocean or lake for hours and hours. 
I am petrified of needles. 

And heights. 
I have bad anxiety in cars.  #poorbill 
I have anxiety right now, period.  #bummer 
I love the smell of the river in Parker, or the lake at dusk.  
I am in awe of birds. 

I love all animals.  I will save rollie-pollies or caterpillars. 
I love to sleep with white noise. 
This whole transgender bathroom thing is bullshit.  Boys room, girls room, period.  #sorrynotsorry

The political circus is almost embarrassing to us US citizens.  Our Fore Fathers would be ashamed. 

I have a hard time with rude customers. Rude to me? Take it right back dude.
These glasses are still around
I try hard to remember the motto "Be kind, you never know what others are going through".
Public bathrooms are my worst enemy.  I am a ninja in there. #dontaskmetogowithyou
I stare at all pictures in peoples homes. 

I still crack up when I see that meme of Kermit The Frog sipping tea with sarcasm and think the same thing when I'm sipping coffee and someone is pissing me off.  My mind goes-a'-whirlin'.  #ifonlyyouknewwhatimthinking.

I am not a fan of plastic surgery, yet would love a boob job. #scurrred
I'm not into fancy cars.  Don't care what you drive. #itsmetalwithrubber
Fridays are my favorite day of the week. #howboutyou
 I am thankful I felt life inside of me. 
I love to see lovers love. 
I know there is someone for everyone.
This life is fast, yet I have a hard time living that whole "for the moment" vibe. #schedulefreak
I miss soccer. 
I look forward to summertime evenings.
I can't wait to meet our donor. 
I'm recently scared of scorpions in Havasu. #wearingslippersatnight
I chronically check the front door lock.
I think those that abuse animals or leave them outside should have products tested on them, versus animals. 
---let's see, does this burn your eyes-- oh good. HA! 
Animals are a part of YOUR FAMILY. 
I love little lights in home windows. 
I am a hippy at heart.
 I am thankful for you all.

Have a sweet peaceful weekend. 

Doing what makes you happy.


This Mama Lisa

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