Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sunset And Vermont

Well, as per my request Kris was transferred last night. Kaiser Sunset as it's called is a place that houses specialists. Not just specialists, but the transplant team. At 8:30 last night the ambulance drivers made their way to his room. Scooping him up and strapping him onto the gurney. As much as I wanted to snap a shot for keepsake purpose, a part of me said no. It's hard to look back on the days of past. It's hard to look at where we were and where we've come.

He arrived here at Kaiser Sunset, tucked away on the famous Sunset Blvd and Vermont. The beautifulness was arriving here at 10pm last night to find both of my aunts standing next to him in his room. My Auntie Nettie works here in Labor and Delivery. My other Auntie Lyn lives down the street. It felt like that warm blanket I talk about in life. That firm hug that isn't assumed, just felt.

He has lots of labs. Lots of blood work. Lots of antibiotics. And lots of concern. Infection and interaction with meds continue to knock his platelets down. A cat scan tonight at 9. And more results to confirm.
The road isn't ways and most likely won't be for a little while. His spirit is broken at times. He doesn't like to be alone. Something he's battled since childhood. His mom now leaving him at night.
I'm a warrior. I push. I plead and I help. I challenge nurses who challenge me. I have language barrier issues, with the he's and she's. I go toe to toe with assistants who tell me a bed therapeutic pad can't be used. They stand up to me, and learn quickly i won't back down. It's a fucking pad.
I win. I love, and yet I fight.

I'm tired. I'm not proud of my demeanor, nor am I proud of my sharp tongue.

He's navigating through the fears of what he was told could happen. We have Faith in our doctors and transplant team. I come and go. The commute is no joke. The parking just the same.
It's never been easy, and yet I still move on. He's trying to be strong when he is so weak.
Bill went on like a super Dad and set up Kali's birthday weekend with the help of my friend Shelley.
It's because of love, friendship, medicine, science and strength that I will get through.
And when I speak of "Me", I mean "ME".

I've said it a million times before, I'm tired. And I will never understand this chapter handed to us.

For now,

I will try to keep my chin up and my cheeks dry.

Have a safe Memorial Weekend!

My sweet baby will be 20!

This Mama Warrior

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