Friday, May 20, 2016

Strength. Wings. Borders. Happiness. Friends. Fish.

Kris explained to me this week that a trip to Baja was in order.  He moved along with his plans while he also received and shipped out a new batch of his Current Crew goods (new designs not on site quite yet but on Instagram---super cute!).  Something he pondered in January in the hospital.  Asking us if we thought it was a good idea to just stop everything and step back for a while.  My first opinion was, yes.  Take a break.  Get better. Heal and learn to live and work again. But on your time. On what Kris feels best doing.  His final decision was to move forward.  To not give up something he worked so hard to build up. (Even when his mom thought our ocean water got him sick from radiation thanks to the leak in Japan.) Depleting my wicked thoughts and learning to move through my fears.
Fretting at times of how he'd get the energy during his hardest days to navigate through orders, production, banks, shipping departments.  All of it. 

This week after his appointment on Tuesday, his first shipments would arrive.  He grabbed the monster by the balls and ran with it.  
Shipping orders.  Emailing customers.  Promoting on social media.  Moving little mountains.  Something he wondered if he'd have the strength to do. 
He did it. 

In the mix, he'd continue on with plans to San Quintin, Baja Mexico.  A place that holds a very special corner of his heart. It's a place where his friend Kelly resides, along with his father.  Both Americans.  One retiring down there after a gnarly divorce. He lost everything. Instead of fighting the fight here. With minimal items left.....he left.  

He's happy in a place where minimal is maximum.  Maximum in the happiness department. Where dirt roads meet the ocean, and the ocean area greets you with, as Kris says..."some of the nicest people he's ever met, and hung out with"-

People that live with minimum necessity.  They live with what they can afford, but most importantly, they live with what simple living offers.  It's not lavish by any means.  But they are happy.  
The first time he went down there, a culture shock woke him up.  Mostly because of the stray dogs. 
He'd fall in love with Kelly's dad, and his love Maria.  A concrete floored home.  
Leaving behind the life in Southern California and all its greed.  
Living simple, by home grown, naturally organic foods.  An ice box with ice. Not a commercial refrigerator.  
Smiles on their faces as Kris and friends come and go.  Because the simple life there isn't about who's to impress who.  
It's simple living.  

Kris went on to explain the roads.  How he travels about 5 hours in past Tijuana.  To land another hours worth on a dirt road.  To a place that hugs my son tight. 
A place that offers real people.  
A place that most likely envy's Kris' luxury car, yet you'd just wish life wasn't about that. You'd wish and hope he doesn't get the wrong kind of attention because of a metal, with rubber car. It's a place where people live off the land.  And ocean.
A place that shares food like its water.  Always offering a place at their table.  In their homes. A place that will teach you a thing or two about patience.  And about kindness.  How a smile will move humans even farther. 
To meet you.  To greet you.  To thank you for driving that far.  Kris brings goodies every time he goes. 

As he said last year...."If I didn't get sick, or know I would fight this battle, I could easily live there Mom"-
I can see the purity in that thought.  I can see how getting away from the greedy hustle and bustle here makes it worth that thought. 

I've viewed his early morning pictures.  In the marina, where just the ripple on the water top makes for a tearful eyed mama.  To know he's deep down in a culture where simple people give love. And he gives love right back.  To know his surroundings are of a natural environment that isn't laced with fancy material expectations.  But yet, the complete opposite.
It's hard to argue about safety when you see where he lands.  Sure, there's danger. Sure, there's passing through the notorious TJ and all it's shenanigans.  But....isn't it true for LA?  When you see guys traveling through with fishing gear hanging out the side window.  They just know. 
So there's the new fear of all things germs for him now.  There's this extra little list of "suggestions" from his mom and his dad.  Reminding him to take it easy, and remember to be cautious.  
I sent a box of wipies.  Wipies in all forms. Hands.  Ass. Soothing ones for the disastrous outcome of "the shits"- Extra day's worth of meds, if by chance he gets stuck there.  Water, gum, toothpaste, Ensure's....
You know that mama box just to help you help yourself to finally start to live this life. 
Your body is just 4 months old on the inside.  Yet, you're trying to get back in the game.

Weak at times, and most certainly beaten down by the fight you went through.  

I hope he has a meaningful trip.  A trip that is full of love.  Full of good fishing.  Good smiles, and most important, great hugs and chuckles from his friends that live down there.  They've been yearning to hug his sweet neck since the last time. 

Enjoy my boy----- you Baja dudes!

That very marina that holds lots of good memories and great food, according to Kris.

Have fun this weekend everyone.  Whatever you do.  Just try to have fun.   

Or sleep.  

Or read. 

But always pray. 

And if you want to pray for him. And his friends down there in that beautiful place filled with natural goodness...please do.  

Go get em Kris!

This Mama Lisa
  And pray for Seal Beach- Friday morning lost a landmark.  A place once filled with laughter. Love. Relatives in from out of town, walking to that special place.  At the end of the pier.  
Good bye for now Ruby's. 

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