Thursday, September 12, 2013

On pictures.

Pictures.  Do you ever really look at pictures?

It's funny because as a little girl, I always loved pictures.
I still love, love them. 
The story behind them, I guess.
I always envisioned what "I" thought the story was.
Pictures tell a story.
What we conceive of the picture.
But what we see.
Their own story does exist. 
And yet, we make up our own story.
In our own minds.
Envious, perfect stories.
Am I right?

I am the one to stop contently in my tracks at your house to view your pictures.

I truly love them all.

These two pictures above, hang in my house.  One in my room.  And one in my kitchen area.
In fact, one is on a huge "perfect" canvas.  Black and white, and just what I always wanted. 
They both tell a tale of who we are.
And what we stand for.
There might be a person that would see true perfect love.
Or the happiest of happiest people. Family for that matter.

You know as a child I always wanted the perfect little family.
That family that seemed so "together", if you will.
I mean, we all, a "normal" family life.
Pictures. A perception.
But is there perfection?
Is there the perfect family out there?

At times pictures can create jealousy.
Frustration, and lust.

But most of all, they DO tell a story.

I guess my point here is truth.

That this life isn't perfect.
Each home has issues. Although many are very good at covering it all up.  Their spotlight time will come...
Kids that might need re-guiding.
Parents that need parenting themselves.

Little or big.

Everyone.....has issues.

In this big ol' world I often see on social media the perfection.  That people claim.
And I get it.
It's beautiful on the outside.  Yes, it is.
But let's keep things real.

My son is covered in tattoo's (not my fav). He has posted things that make me jump and run to his room.  Or a quick dial to his phone with disbelief.  His words used have rocked my mind like a rollercoaster.
But it's real.
He's a good guy.  Actually a very good guy. A good person, and a wonderful soul.
My daughter is completely overwhelmed with studies, a messy room, soccer practices and tutoring. Which creates a complete b word. 
Both of their rooms are...well, messy- (how people can leave a bed un-made...sorry..)
They go through heartache, and turmoil.
I have one deciding on big life decisions.
And the other, just the same.
I am strong, and a little fighter of my home.
I have lonely nights.
I have happy nights.
I have frustration nights, and days that push me into quiet, sit by myself mode.
Bill and I have a fierce love for eachother, don't get me wrong.  I am loved, and I love deeper than I knew I could. But it's not always perfect.  It can be far from it.

It's this life.
It is not perfect.
People have flaws.
Life can hurt.

Try not to lean towards comparison. You are better than that.
And those perfect people and perfect families.
And perfect pictures....well...are they really?

I do love all of our portraits.  Trust me.
I sort through the ones that make me look good.
My nose, or body.

My family.

The story I want to show.

My post today is for you to look around.  This life is good.
We are here for a pretty short time.


We won't forget.

But forgive.  Move forward.  And remember.  This life is not perfect.

And neither are those surrounding you.

Perfect pictures and all.

big fat boom.

love you all.

and thanks for following this silly imperfect little creature.

me.  Lisa Lynn.

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