Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our love to you Japan....

My heart breaks for the families, the children, the elderly..the animals...completely broke from this natural disaster. I can't get those horrifying pictures out of my mind. I can only think of the many people this has effected.
As we move along in our day to day lives on this very weekend...I hope many have really thought about what we should do in the event of this tragedy. Mother Earth seems pretty darn mad, I'd say we should have a plan. Now is the time to make a meeting to plan for your little families. Here and abroad. From simple plans of what to do when they hit, if the kids are in school, work, or away...what do we do. Think about your parents and elderly. Who's in charge of what. I'm beyond scared of Earthquakes, and speaking for myself, I lose control. I don't even remember I'm a mom at that point. I promised myself last night...that I need to figure this stuff out. I need to be prepared. We do need a plan. And we really better be ready.
Positive thoughts and prayers for you Japan.......FOR THE MANY FUND RELIEF EFFORTS I ALREADY SEE, IT MAKES ME SO PROUD TO BE AMERICAN.....smiling with tears in my eyes....

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