Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sand, Soccer...and Smores...Let the good times roll...

At the beginning of the season I was excited to plan things for the girls, get to know each one, and get to know each parent. And boy we are having so much fun! Our season is getting close to the end...and as you all know me, I am capturing each moment, each memory....Family fun, girls bonding, lots of laughter and earning many amazing times and unforgetable fun. Bill and I hosted a bonfire Saturday night for the girls and their families. It was potluck style, smores for desert. We got up early Saturday morning, marked our spot at LG 26, with a Shelter to bbq, and tables for the food. The Shelter for food. Bathrooms next door. Couldn't be more perfect.
Teammates..friends forever.

The bbq'r and bonfire planner....Yes, that's my bandana up in the air like olive-oil. lol - We got there an hour before everyone arrived to make sure all systems were a go.

Kali and her bestie! Mac curled Kali's hair before they arrived at the Bonfire on the windy beach. lol.

Kali and Dad. It was cold, and it was winnnndddddy.

And the girls start arriving....

So beautiful! Go LADY GRIFFINS!

When the season starts, you meet, we had introductory dinners, and little gatherings. But nothing prepares you for the games and bond these girls form. It is simply amazing.

The girls with Coach Katie.

My friend Kyoko and Shari. Shari brought pitchers of wine margaritas and some little shot's of some sort (that were green) for the parents to keep warm with. Good wine, good drinks, warm fire and new friendships. Perfecto!

Parents keeping warm. Sharing stories, sharing good times. Bill did such a great job with bbq'n and building an awesome fire! We received so many thanks from parents, but to me the gratitude is their presence. The new friendships...the fun stories.

Trying to stay warm...

The bond of a team. We had this really big log that someone left from the night before. It was the perfect little seat for the girls, right next to the fire.

Let the SMORES begin!



At the end of the night the girls were all huddled and bundled into one big dog pile, but were super cozy.

On Friday there was no school for our district. Coach decided on Sand Practice and little games, followed by bonding at lunch and a walk over to Mac's house for Jacuzzi and swim fun.

The silly pic.

The day was absolutely beautiful. I had planned to work this day. However I later decided I would take this day, head to the beach with Kali and capture fun times. Have lunch and spend the day with them. It was beyond worth it. My work will be sitting at my desk waiting.

Jumpin down and getting ready for their run....

I actually decided to work out this day too. I went for a nice long run, and had my blanket for more exercise while they did games. There were hundreds of mussells that had washed ashore. Seagulls were eating them..but I ran over this one and it looked like a heart to me.

Not a bad view on my run. Not a bad day to miss my office either.

Let the sand games begin...

And on for their run....

Team spirit.

Lunch time. Yum-

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