Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Best Part.

Halloween was always the run-around-get-the-kids-costumes and make dinner, and clean up dinner, and make sure homework was done, and blah blah blah...and I lost a bit of the magic in stepping back to just enjoy the moment. 

I'll also admit, I am super shy when it comes to costumes and dressing up.  Never want to draw attention much less have someone stare too long at a costume.  Still is a bucket list for me.  Before I exit Earth, this chick needs to suit up.  

This morning while running errands each time I see someone with a costume on, it makes me smile.  There was a girl dressed as a minion working at Trader Joe's.  (Whom while stocking the wine knocked over the entire case and we both jumped and then started laughing hysterical-MUCH needed on my behalf little did she know)-  There was a cow at the register, and Waldo outside grabbing carts.  At the bank a Tiger took my deposit. 


One of my employees is dressing up for a party tonight as a Bee Keeper and his girlfriend is The Bee-


Anyway, then there's these cute fellers...

And then there's this cute feller. 

Sorry I fell off the Halloween wagon for a second.  Happens when I sneak back in our chapters of years past.

But, woahdang.....TRICK-OR-TREAT!!

Be safe tonight friends, let me know if you find the neighborhood that hands out margarita's and tacos.  Read that on a meme and lol'd. 

Happy Halloween!

This Mama Lisa

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