Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Life In Progress.

Every year, for the last 18 or so, Bill and I would trek up to Lake Havasu City for the annual Run To The Sun Car Show.  A show that helped us spread the Classic Truck Bed Lid market, making new friends and sharing shade with friends we hold dear to us to this very day.

Last weekend was no different. The BEAUTIFUL classic cars and trucks line the streets.  They covered the golf course.  The held our bodies as we ventured from show to The Turtle. Or home to Cha Bones. They cruised us down London Bridge Road while singing out loud to Tennessee Whisky.  Or Bad Company.  It held moments of clinking all the glasses together.  Cheering to the words "Happy Anniversary" to the friends we met there years ago while "sharing our shade (EZ Up)".  

It held the most amazing sunsets.  Something I will never take for granted these days because it seems more and more folks don't get the chance. 

Run To The Sun. 


Over the years, I've not snapped as many pictures as I should.  So I rely on friends. Or friends of friends to send them to me.  Most of those pictures offer lots of laughter, because, well...."big nose squinty eyes Lisa"-- #muchowine

But this is life.

It's my life. 

It's the story I am writing. 

  Shaking hands with old customers.  The conversations about classic trucks.  

Monday was surely an eye sore - head bangin reality for us.  Both figuratively and mentally.  It seems the older I get, the harder it is to recoup after 4 solid days of good times. 

Once I sort through the many unworthy pictures of me, you'll get to see. LOL just kidding-actually not, but you know the drill.

Here's a few that made the cut. 

Ummm, Leese, are we pretend jump roping....or......


 Can't see my nose at all. 

And then, well....

"Because of you I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more"

This morning while IRONING (I don't iron, I throw things in the dryer) but I've had this favorite blouse for years, it's linen, blue and I just can't part with it.  
Crumbled in the bottom drawer, I began to iron it.  On the kitchen counter-LOL.

Then I read the tag this morning...

This morning I was still groggy. I am groggy right now. 

But this little tag (not sure if this is even the company that made it, I bought at a consignment store by my parents years ago)  

This is just life lately.

In progress.

Alive.  Healthy enough.  And smart enough to watch out for the weirdo's. 

Seems there's alot of them lately.  

Hope this week treats you decent.


Make a difference.  Some way.  Some how. 

Just be kind.

And if you iron on an ironing board, teach me. 

Or maybe not. 

PEACE out kids, PEACE out...

This Mama Lisa

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