Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Happy Chapter 22 Miss.Kali Mae

I brought you into this world fast. 
Super fast, and super quiet. 
Focused on my little prize.

The minute you were placed on my chest in a flurry of cries I knew I would protect you with every ounce of motherhood. I knew the little girl I was gifted was going to change my life.  For the best ways.  The memories I will always hold so close of sitting next to you.  In the car.  In bed chatting for hours.  Driving to and from fields. And sometimes in raising girls, challenging ways.  You've kept me on my toes.  You've made me question my skills as a mother, and yet many times patting myself for getting through all those days.  Those days of accomplishments.  Those days of wiping tears from frustration during those teen years, reminding you just how strong a woman can be.  Those days of remembering your worth.  Those days of loving me back even when I held a firm "No".
Do I still hold the "lamest" curfew?
For sure, yea?  LOL

You have made me so proud.  So proud, I've found myself boasting to strangers about this daughter we've raised.  

They say it takes an army to raise kids.  And yet with you I don't think it took an army at all.  I feel like you were born an old soul with a kindred sharp heart.  One that knows when to hold em, and also when to fold em.
Except those first weeks when you wailed alldayeveryday ----so much I wanted to fold ya up and stuff ya in the laundry basket. LOL.  kidding. but not really.  

You've been blessed/cursed with your mama's technique of handling bullshit.  Sometimes we aren't proud of speaking up, and yet other times it's worth the words to clarify when something doesn't seem right. #Prague.

I wish you a happy birthday Kali. I mostly wish you safety, good health, and the knowledge to remember that bad times don't last, and if today seems hard, just be grateful for tomorrow's to start all over. 

I drove myself to the hospital on this day 22 years ago.  At just after 1pm, after a stroll at the Farmers Market where I started to see "stars" (high blood pressure)-

Admitting, inducing and having you in less than 2 hours completely natural. 

Leaving the hospital the next day with a heart full of protection, love and a good saddle to buckle up for this 22 year ride.  Breastfeeding those first few weeks notched as the toughest pages to date. Goshdarndoozy.  But we made it to ONE year! 

I am so thankful for you. 

You've made me a better mom.

A better friend.

A better human. 

Chapter 22 looks so good.  Keep pushing through on all those goals. 

Love, wishes and lots of kisses on your cheeks. 

Mama Lisa

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