Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Project..."Keeping REAL AMERICAN Vintage in his life...."

Kris has been researching a project build car for a flip investment....after a few months of searching and dwelling...he found one in came to our home this week. He's stoked. I'm equally stoked of his idea. Of course you know how it goes...Mom will remind him frequently to keep his journal of guidelines and deadlines....receipts, and pictures....because's "his investment"-Gotta flip this thing! Crossing my fingers he doesn't get attached. lol! On Monday evening it finally made it home. Bucksie is ready to partner up while the many many hours of labor will someday reap benefits of beauty. Only classic car people can feel this desire....

As they arrive...I look across the street...and could just feel his excitement....It kind of reminds me of when he'd get a new Power Ranger and just stare at it all!

As he sits inside waiting to be pushed in by his dad and helpers...I wonder what's really goin' on in his mind. Is he scared? Is he excited? His investment must be turned....and this hobby must be very well appreciated. I know he will put his mind to it.....he tapped into some of his savings...which means more to him that most of us would ever know....Kris is a saverrrrr....understated.

I often wonder while looking into old cars...what's the story? Where'd the journey start and end...what family did it transport to? Fun memories? What could be told if only possible....

It's amazing to sit in an old car as this...and ponder on it's journey. Just looking at the old gauges...the classy dash of sparkle and points...I could almost hear the sound of the old blinker while my grandparents drove us around town in their old truck...that ol' tink, tink, tink.....

And he will work, and dream, and work and build...and do what it takes to build his favorite car to his little hearts desire.....And for now I leave his soap outside...his towels outside..and remind him over and over to take his shoes off each and every time he steps in our kitchen entrance!...double....sighhhh... Life is fast...Love and patience...Please....

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