Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The time of year where the social media blender is whipping up perfection in pictures.  Pictures of trees lined with mounds of gifts.  Holiday decor floating around the decks and halls of homes.  
We've always hoped the tree in our home eventually fills up to make the little's excited. Just like the rest of you, it's in our culture to offer the best-of-the-best....

I'm guilty of fulfilling the wishes of our birdies.  Scrolling down their little hand written lists for certain clothes or toys. (Never was a big toy purchaser, but give them all the books) 
Stashing my Santa wrapped gifts until Christmas Eve.  Watching their faces light up the moment we all made our way to the living room Christmas morning. 

And then you think of the latter.

You think of the kids that have nothing. 

And if they do have "Something", is it valued just as much as what the over-does-it mom posted on Instagram or Facebook last night? 

I've come to realize that being a little more compassionate and aware of what we post before we post just might soothe those that aren't as fortunate.  Sure you have the knuckleheads that planned wrong or spent incorrectly, or battle addictions that pull from a purpose.  But the kids, teens and young adults are the ones that suffer.

I always think of those hardworking single parents that are simply making ends meet to soon compete with Mrs. Instagram mom boasting all she'd accomplished during the month of November!

Voila! Magic, she's so perfect!

If there was one thing my parents offered as kids was the simplicity of tradition. The tangerine dropped down first into our stockings.  
The stockings filled with SHELLED nuts HA!.(IMAGINE THAT YOU GUYS WE HAD TO USE A HAND HELD NUT CRACKER! CRAZY HUH!! lol)  One time our stockings were raided by ants causing lots of tears.  I can remember the board games "Santa" brought that would be played by our family of four that afternoon.  I remember the ham dinner my mom would whip up. Or how my dad one year bought us an incubator and had chicken eggs just about ready to hatch.  You guys.....swoooon. 

What some of us don't realize is there might be another human out there trying to make their ends meet, while struggling to maximize what our social status says we should be doing.  Is it enough?  When the single mom/dad who is trying to provide the weekly meals, yet magically is expected to drop presents under the tree. Or that young teen that really just wants to live more "magically" and yet wasn't born into a home that offers "magic"?  

Something to think about. 

That's all. 

Sure we want to see your tree.  But do we really need to hear about ALL THE GIFTS YOUR KIDS ARE GETTING?   lol

Probably not. 

How about donate your time or energy in helping a troubled teen get through these holidays....

Some of these troubled teens actually live in houses that produce money, but have quacked out parents.

Your compassion might just help them grow!

Don't get me started on the lonely folks without anyone during the holidays-

We see you, and yes we need to be more compassionate. 

K bye 




With Love Always, the not so perfect mom that usually fails especially during the holidays-

And thoughts that cross my mind while scrolling through some accounts...

This Mama Lisa

PS- I WILL get Kris his Honeybaked Ham this year.  THAT is something that boy has been craving-

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