Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Everybody Say Heyy-Yoooo

Whenever I lose my grip on le'blog and writing becomes a burden, I remind myself....

You have time girl, just get through your foggy tasks in front of you, and jot down life later.

That's where I'm at. 

Woke to rain in the middle of the night, and all I kept thinking was the glory for all those worried about fires. 

ya ya ya I get the whole mudslide sitch, but man, fires are just awful!

Sit back and look for the rainbows kids!

Drive safe, and make some soup!

And tell your babies just how awesome they are!

This Mama Lisa 

I do have a joke for you though--

What concert costs 45 cents?

Fifty Cent featuring Nickleback.  HAHAHAHA!

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