Friday, April 19, 2019

Lisa's Gratitude.

Happy Good Friday friends...


Forty Nine. 

My birthday was one of the best ones in a very very long time.
And you wanna know why?  

No plans turned out to be the best plans.

Which meant a manicure with my littlest.  Topped with a lunch at The Boathouse.

Arriving home to see Kris and the doggo's on the patio. 

Sitting out on the dock together.  After a very long strange week with Kris feeling poopy, we all sat in the warm sun.  


To be told later that dad had planned a dinner at 7:00pm at one of my favorite places around.

And there we were. 

Our little family of 4.

In a car, headed to Captain Jacks.


Staring at my birdies faces in that dim lit restaurant.  Eating good food.


Smiling back at their mama. 

Abiding by my wish to not sing, and do not tell them it's my birthday.

Just to be together.

What a day.

To my family and friends whom sent cards. I sat on the couch and read and touched every single one. 
I laughed at some, and teared up with others.  

My parents sent my request of childhood pictures.  I sat in awe.  Taking me back to the seventies, and through the eighties. 

Laughing at my bucked teeth, and not so perfect bang-trimmed hair cuts.  

My favorite shirts as a little girl.  The small little Avon pennants you'd stick on your clothes and could snap a little compartment open and put the creamy perfume on.  

The Easter dresses we wore.

The homemade dresses by my moms bestfriend at the time Julie Douglas-

To my friends and family that actually called and left voicemails singing to me...I love you. Forever.

Roxanne, you are a gem.  I filed that voicemail away for a rainy day.  

My brother-in-law Wayne dropped off a beautiful mermaid and balloons at my desk, sending me a message the day of "you played hooky today!"--yes, I did. 
My niece put together the most beautiful homemade bouquet, dropping that with the sweetest card.


Our traditional birthday dinner with the Six-Pack-

Forty Nine feels good.  It feels tired, but it feels content.  It feels scared, and yet it feels ready.
The next forty nine will be a blessing to be allowed to see more of this great planet.  Or if I can't explore the planet, to just be with those that I love, and those that love me back.

Thank you, thank you....with all of me, thank you---

I love you Bill, Kris and Kali... you are my everything.  Til the end of time.  

This Mama Lisa 

Back to the grind....
Here's an example of some daily tasks I tackle-  Lid arrived at my customer in VA, pretty much destroyed.  


Is it time for a vacation??!!!  I chink sooooooooo

Whiskey, served "Neat", will in fact bite yo ass the next take notes kids.

Come on big FIVE OHHHH.   

Skirtttt Skirrrttttt...................................................later nerdzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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