Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Well Hello Tuesday, Almost Wednesday.

Hey friends.  Tuesday already?  

My Monday was a busy one that's for sure.

I crave balance so much, yet in reality, our life is so far from it.
We literally hit the ground running all week. 
I woke on Monday morning reminding myself to keep the most important things in front.

What I do strive to be is a good human.  A good partner.  A good mama  A good boss.  A good friend. A good daughter. 

Isn't it true we just want to make everything better? 

This last month offered us so much love. And so much change. So much beauty (daughter graduating with kick ass honors).  A new job she's learning to balance.  This last month offered us sickness in family members we'd never expect would leave this earth.  This last month offered us news of yet another "family" member diagnosed with the same c word.  (Keep kicking ass Craig!- Grants daddy)
This last month offered us birthdays and moments away with best-friends.  Laughing in uber shuttle rides like two teenage girls.  (Shelley I will always be so grateful for your giving and helping heart-If you're in the southern California area and want to order the best breakfast casseroles in all the land, let me know.)

This last month offered imperfection in all things "LIFE".

This last month offered strong hugs standing in the kitchen holding onto my partner with all we have just feeling both hearts beating. 

This last month offered some really realllly long sleepless nights of tossing and turning, listening to the city fall asleep and then wake up. 
This last month offered smiles, and cheers to glasses clinking together.

I welcome June with big open arms.  My dads birthday is tomorrow.  A few other good friends will celebrate next week, along with my aunt Ronda. 

This month will hopefully bring happy times. Better health reviews.  Hugs that entail chuckles instead of silence. 

Good glasses of wine with those we love. 

I put this picture up of me because I like it (Sandra & Vicki does my nose look small).  And if you wonder why this chic lady is laced in Fatal Clothing, it's because this sweet feller has wrapped his car in Fatal.  So we were Nascar groupies Saturday morning.  God Bless America! 

Happy June kids. 

Happy happy June. 

All my love,

Lisa Lynn

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jamesfo8376 said...
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