Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Purging Old Momentos

One of the things I wanted to do this year, (I don't do resolutions) was to purge my house of all things that I have no use for.  Anything, in any drawer that has not been touched, used, or is absolutely necessary, purge it.  Easier said than done, especially if your name is Lisa and you hold on to sentimental things as though it helps you breathe.  #freak  #childofparentswhosavednothing
Oh, each kids paintings from preschool? Sure. Keep it. 

This morning I woke at the glorious hour of 4:30am, and instead of falling way too deep in an internet/social media/music/podcast rabbit hole, I decided I'd start in the kitchen cupboards. 

You guys, I have two cupboards still full of old meds of Kris'.  Those meds cannot just be thrown away.  And so, I avoided "dealing" with em.  Well, not this morning.  
Boxing pill bottle after pill bottle, and syrups for stomach, and mouth washes for mouth sores, and organic vitamins and herbal supplements. 
I then moved into my spice cupboard.  This is where things just got so interesting.  It amazes me just how much junk in a spice cabinet one can collect.  I had sprinkles for cupcakes, glitter some how mixed in, and an array of every spice you can imagine.  I literally grabbed each and every one closely before tossing em away.  Forever.  

It made me think about the history of a home. Of a woman's kitchen.  What a mom collects.  The sprinkles, the glitter-yuck-lol, the many used-one-time-spice for the recipe she was trying out. 
I found old bay leaves that had crumbled down.  

All in the trash. 

I moved over to another cupboard.  I found my old wedding plates. Plates I used.  Down to just 4 left. 

I took each one down. Sorting the ones underneath, and adding them to my discard box.  Always keeping the most important things for K & K. 
Hoping one day they'll mean something in their home. 

I pulled out this spoon rest. 

And stood there.

This little spoon rest was purchased back in 1992. At the swapmeet. 

The meals it hovered over. 

The little boy I made Kraft macaroni and cheese for because I knew no other way, and really deep down inside still love that stuff....haha! And to think I can master a homemade "real" mac-n-cheese these days makes my heart full. The many meals I screwed up because I was 22 years old.  The kitchen I made feel so much like home because it was mine to do so. 

I haven't tossed it.

It's sitting on my counter.

It doesn't fit in. And yet it does.

It's style is so 90's, and yet such a beautiful part of my life.

Of my young adult hood. 

When the simple things didn't seem so simple at the time, but I'd give anything to step back for a day.  Just a day.

I'm wiser and better now.  

I've been stained with real things now. 

With happy moments, and new good friends.

I've laughed hard through some really good bad ass moments.

And I've been thrown down harder than I'd ever want anyone else to endure.

I have a collection of eclectic and sweet things adorning the walls to my little adobe. 
Like old awards that never went into a frame, so instead I decided to stare at them every morning as I made lunches and breakfast.  They were stuck to my walls until this morning. 
I wanted to remind both Kris and Kali their worth.  Always always offering praise.

When Kali said "Good-morning" this morning, I replied with my early morning handy-work and her reply was "mom, don't toss those"- 

I kept a few.  I stashed them up in her baby book.   Along with her Junior Seal Beach Lifeguard completion.  Such rad moments. 

I have more cupboards to go.  

It surely is amazing what we gather in all the years of motherhood.  We gather things for them.  For us.  For a home.

We grow older and really start to see that minimal is better. 

The extravagant and big is merely just more inconvenience.  
Showing off isn't my thing, after all.

Maybe I'll keep my spoon rest around a tad bit longer.

Maybe it's yearning for the early days of a simple life. 

To be given a second chance.  Even with the pink and blue design.

After all the years it served us.

To be tucked away until today.

Life the way it was.

Serving the simplicity.

Maybe that's what is needed....

Falling back in love with the simple things in this life.

Even if it is a spoon rest. 

Hope you all have a good Tuesday.....

ps- I also tossed ALL our old soccer water bottles, and those portable coffee mugs...I can't tell you how darn good that felt.  GROSS!  (you guys remember the spider that bit Kali on the tongue?!) lolllll
pss- I can totally put down the entire box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese if put in front of me. Just sayin'.....

psss-Did you know that honeybees navigate by using the sun as a compass? so cute....

Love to you all,


This Mama Lisa

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