Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Taking A Step Back.

We left for the lake last week.  Wednesday.  Or as my birdies and I call it, Wensdeeeeeeyy-- lol

A few slices of love, happiness and cherished cocktails mixed in.  We laughed with sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews.  We shared stories and clinked glasses.
We threw darts at dart boards in The Office that were totally unworthy of their title.
I kept thinking, shit, even the darn darts are melting- HAHAHA!

We dined out.  We dined in.
(Don't I look like a wasp?)

It was a much needed break to just get away.

August.  It has a funny way of deterring me from the lake. The heat.  The ramps.  The traffic.

This was different.  Our focus was just being together.  Sharing old things with new people.  With new love.  With happy souls.  With healing humans. With long time friends.

We shared laughter at dinner and in the pool.  We shared GOOD wine out at dinner. Boating to coves where water is the only reprieve.  The happiness in a boat runnin' good.  The humbleness of acceptance when a boat is not running good.  You still keep things in perspective. 

The thankfulness of air-conditioning in a home because I am not sure how humans did it back in the day. #helltotheno  #praisethecowboys

The smile on the faces of three young teens embarking back into school soon, but not before one last lake getaway.

Back to the grind it is.  Time for work. Time for hustle. Time to push that wheel for the next chance, if life decides that way.

Lake Havasu, you have my heart.

You always will.

Hey Vick, Kirk, Sandra and Rocky.....DOES MY NOSE LOOK BIG?!

Chooooo  Chooooo!   

So happy Sandra caught this picture....as we went under the Topock Bridge the train was making his way over...and it just looked bitchen.  Wait...did I just say bitchen?  Boom.

Totally bitchen dude.  Like, way, way bitchen.

PS.  Jen sent me this while I was gone.  Bucksie, Kris and Jen headed to concert by the bay.....All the heart eyes.....xoxo

Bucky boy so happy in the wagon--

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