Friday, August 12, 2016

More Minutes, More Hours.

Gone like the wind....history!
So proud of you for pushing through friends!  Those work week hours tossed in the air like a leaf on a windy day.  And if you don't work, and are lucky enough to tend to kids or a home all day every day, may the peaceful Gods bless you too.  Because if you get up, and get going every day...welll that's enough.  
And if you water flowers, you get an extra point. 

A friend of mine asked last night "Is there a full moon"?  

I suppose the energy in her home felt wonky.  

And as much anxiety that I feel on the daily, I have to say this week is ending in a sweet note.  Settling in close to my computer yesterday late afternoon after stalking Kris to make sure he'd made his way by to do "labs"-

Logging into the computer checking those silly fellers.  My underarms sweat profusely as I check, trying to find all the right "markers" I search for.  WBC, Platelets, Hemo's...RBC.  
I can't tell you how much I sweat, only my underarms show that filthy anxious warrior look. 
I don't wear underarm deodorant.  Never have. Most likely, never will.  Not sure it's really anything classy to share here, because wow, who does that?! HAHA. And if I ever stand too close and seem to be stinky...
Well, back up kids, back.up. 
The thought of deodorant and its chemicals streaming straight into my thanks.

That shiz freaks me out. I go again.  Rambling' on about under arm deodorant.  Go figure. 

Anyway....his counts rose.  I rose.  Walked right into Bill's office.  Kissed his beautiful lips.  Hugged his beautiful arms.  And let out a little sigh.  Together. 
Texting Kris letting him know that news. 
His reply..."THAT'S GOOD Mama"

He's still a delicate little flower.  More like a plant.  A plant that needs nurturing, good care, and lots of observing. 

Arriving home last night pulling out all his medical "stuff" for some important phone calls we'd need
to make this morning.  Medical bills piling up in various areas in our world there at le' casa de stahl. 
Paperwork and important dates this boy has to deal with.  

His kind words to a lady on the other line...."my girlfriend has been amazing through this whole thing, she's never left my side. And my mom has taken care of so many things, I don't know what I'd do without them".
Truth is, we all just move along doing what we know is best. 

And that is just LOVE. 

This weekend we'll fill our cups with wine.

Dance in the street, and forget all the worries...

It's time for a party on DRIFTWOOD with our homies in Seal Beach! 

Garage Party 2015!  

Enjoy your weekend lovers.

This Mama Lisa

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