Monday, August 15, 2016

Good Company

After a weekend filled with hugs, clinking glasses of wine in good cheer, and just celebrating "LIFE"  in general...we thought it'd be a wise idea to take a little Sunday harbour cruise.  That cruise would consist of stopping here first- (Mind you, we were licking our wounds from The Jacob's garage party Saturday that was OFF THE HOOK as always-them folks know how to throw a partaayyy)

And what started out as iced lemon water, and a brew as we cruised.  Both quietly soaking up the sights...and the hum of that little motor.  Striking conversations about dream boats, and a couple dream houses we've always had an eye on as we cruise by we make up little stories on living there.  Funny thing about us, we like the teeny teeny tiny houses.  My only request would be to build a casita on top with views up and over to the ocean.  I'd build a little garden sanctuary up there...with vines growing all around....hey a dreamer can dream right? 

Soon enough we'd catch a glimpse of a couple members of our six pack crew....out in the distance. 

Before you know it....we'd all land here.
This is where all Sunday responsibility of adulthood slash work week mental negotiations go out the window. 
Or in our case, out the back of that little trolling motor.  

You see, we knew at the hour of 3pm, that soon it would be 6,7 and 8pm and we really should of been folding the towels I put in the dryer, and unloading that dishwasher.  Or even meal planning....
No, instead we were crazy and hopped up on that dock.
Bad decision number 2 would soon appear out of no where.  
And what made matters worse, was the view was too good on our eyes.  The whole double edge sword story.
My home girl Carmen kept ordering more wine, and even though we thought we were slick sisters, and decided to "share" about 4 glasses, which just sounds silly typing this. 
Because....who needs to worry about extra glasses of wine.  Especially with work the next day.
I'm telling you, the irrational and rationalizing we did while sitting here was insane. 
Someone -Bill- kept saying...another round....
Carmen would go get that round.
Lisa would drink it.
Bill would drink it. 

Randy would drink it. 
Carmen would drink it. 
Eric would drink it. 
Angie would drink it.

And this slice of firecracker hair girl kept reminding herself that life is good.  The rollercoaster shes been on needs to halt.  Life has been tough.  Too many tears shed.  Too many sleepless nights.
Too many fearful thoughts crossing her mind. 
And so.....

Lisa drank. 


Arriving at home just after eight.  I'd start folding towels.  Preparing dessert, because hello, we hadn't indulged enough.  I started pounding water. Water. Water. Water. 
Laughing at eachother because I always preach about Sundays, and the importance of a clear mind for Monday.  

But no......


Instead of waking with a clear mind...I'd wake at midnight, 3:30am, and then again at 5am. Pounding headache and the shrill of rollercoaster panic stomach because I can't sort, or even pray correctly. 
I become a twisted mess. 
Dwelling on allllllll the what if's. 

First texts' to my babies.  

Reply from this birdie.

"I'm good mama, just headed out to the island."

My reply back..."Can't stop, won't stop almost 27 this week honey, HAVE FUN!"
Side cute note- I received a text from him yesterday morning....
It simply read-  I love you Mom. 

I'll keep that tucked close to my heart.  

Beautiful weekend spent with friends.  Music.  Boats. Wine. Love.  Laughter. 

For that, I am forever grateful. 

I wish you all a beautiful week.....

Count down until I get to kiss my pillow right on it's forehead!  But before I kiss that lover on its forehead, let me kick some ass and get through this day like a BOSS!

Carmen....let's actually share the next "last" glass....

We missed you Russ and Jodee! 

Note to readers:  Don't get your arm twisted by the wine goddesses.... JUST SAY NO.

Love and Peace,

This Red Eyed Mama Lisa

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