Thursday, July 7, 2016

When The World Seems Fierce, Let's Have HOPE

Each night as I pull into my driveway at home there's a feeling of peace. I'm sure most of you feel the same pulling in after work.  I never know what our week will hand us, and so in true Lisa "The worry wart" fashion, I always get the Monday morning jitters.  Or should I say middle of the Sunday night.  Isn't it true that anything in life is just like that.  We truly never know what will happen.  And so we move along...this week no different, except it started on a Tuesday.  And remember I started off with a bad attitude...
Setting myself up. Shame on me. 

This week proves no different. There's a vibe out there this week that honestly makes me argue whether Mr. Full Moon is due to make his appearance at the end of the month, or if in fact...he's here. 
I did peek out my bedroom window last night as I slid it open because--hellloooo beautiful summer evening weather...---and my eyes caught the cutest sliver of a moon. 

Energy.  Tension. Business. Hustle. Finances. Paperwork. Sales. Invoices. Phones.
Mean people. Nice people. Confused people. Inquiring people.
Sickness. Happiness. Bills.


And then I turned on the news.  As I do every night....actually that's a lie.  I tend to fall into bed with my I-Pad aka-my secret lover.  (I can get lost in research and snooping realll fast)-
But....back to the news.

Death. Heartbreak. Shootings. Police. Navy Seals. 4 year old getting shot on his porch by a drive-by.  
Politics.  And honestly, I'm not sure what's worse.  Death or politics.

I guess I should shut up, because really it's not a topic any of us care to talk about.  Politics are so personal to me. Death. Well, it's alarming to me how not only are people dying...but people tend to record and post things that are so traumatic before offering to help.  

The one that sent me over the top- Someone is lighting homeless people on fire.  What started as something in San Diego, has now creeped it's ugly head in Los Angeles.  Excuse my french...but..fuck. 

You guys.  YOU GUYS. Some creature is doing this horrible act on another human.
Helpless humans.  I am crying typing this. 
I would take them out. 
They would die a slow death, by my bare hands.
Double standards I know, but you guys....

This morning was rough.  I battled anxiety for a short while.  I wake pretty happy.  I always have. At least it's what I've been told by my parents. 
With the exception of the dazed mornings from a sleepless night, and pouring milk in my coffee is a feat.
But you get the picture.
My son is like me (will chat up the sky with coffee in hand..). Kali like her Dad-(quiet with a need to wake peacefully on their terms).

Kali and I began going through pictures.  Pictures of life.  Pictures of my son.  Bald.  We are putting together a collage.  And  I WANT TO DELETE THEM ALL.

I hate the journey, yet it's all un-erasable.  All of it.

Shark week is rearing it's head. 
Cry easy, bark hard. Eat the entire fridge. Cereal and I are tight friends right now.

And panic like a mo-fo. 

I literally go from smooth jam, to freak out heart racing, ohmygoshicantbelievewhatthefuckhappened.

I soon jumped in the shower letting my little cry out.

And of course, I prayed.  

Life can be so hard.

Putting my kind hat on at work when in reality I begin to bark easy.  Sorting business and kindness.  Not confusing kindness and ignorance.
There's a reason my blog is named love and peace.  I truly love to be kind.  And peaceful.  It's where my roots lay. It truly is who I am. 
I love to love.

I love to see smiles and happiness.
I will walk the Earth for my kids to see them smile...
I love to see people happy, and most always trying to show kindness.

Maybe it's time to turn off the tv's. The news.  Social media. Take a break from all the heartache I continue to see. So sad! 

Maybe I'm better at smiling at strangers.

No rest for the peacemakers.
Let's keep peace moving guys...
It's our time to spread love. 
To smile and be kind.
Maybe I should go to Weinerschnitzel and get a corn-dog with mustard. Right Shelley?  Maybe I should go get more Mochi's from the counter at Whole Foods, and if you haven't had them drop whatever you're doing and go.  Even if you're scared of Whole Foods because a loaf of bread is two thousand dollars.  I promise you the Mochi's aren't.  Try the Tiramisu.  Or mango.
Maybe I should drink peach tea that one of Kris' parents dropped at my house in the midst of our shit storm that literally melts my soul.  (If you've ever been to Del Taco in Barstow and have tried their unsweetened peach's that. womp womp) Shout out to Farmer Brothers Georgia Peach Tea. And The McClellan's.

Or maybe I should go grab a bottle of  Federalist red cab and sip a glass with my lover.
Or maybe I should buy some flowers and watch them light up my porch with happiness.
Maybe I should count my blessings that my son is a alive because of City Of Hope and our German donor. 
Maybe I should show you this cute picture that melts me.

 Or what about this one...Bucksie with Renee his other Grammie....
Oh my word! Look at his face!
Or my son today....alive.  Looking so much like his uncle Gregory.  Wow. 

Or maybe I should just lay it all down.

And let it be.

And just trust. 

Pray for our homeless.  Pray for our innocent kids in this fierce mean world. 

Do the right thing. 
Work hard.

And smile. 

Just keep smiling.  Especially at others.

Please pray for me.  For my heart racing soul and tilted bouts of anger-

Donde esta' papel feminine?

Lisa Lynn

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