Wednesday, July 20, 2016

They Say

They say there's a gravity pull with full moons.  They say that things change.  They say that everything is felt a little bit more. A little bit more with good intentions, and yet the energy just swings you in all the wrong directions.  People are short in ways they'd never normally be.  Tension is drifting through the air like dust. 

Although I feel like this is a 1000% true, I wish I wouldn't have to remind those around me.  
Seems my head is down into my phone trying to tell those I love that 
"Every little thing is gonna be okay.."  
When inside, I'm squirming hard too.
Because I am the one most likely floating around like that dust.  The full moon is so beautiful. 
I simply wish the pull didn't affect us as much.  Or me. 
I've said the word fuck under my breath more this week than the entire month.
A word I'm not proud to use, but it's always kinda been a secret favorite.

I watch those I love around me change.  I see close good friends whom I adore squirm to adjust. 
I've lost my cool more times than I'd like to admit this week.  Shouting at my son on Monday over "shirts" to soon hang up on him...(but not without saying I love you, and goodbye) LOL

Today should be better.  Tomorrow even more. 

Because the possibility of hiding under my bed each month while this full moon biz does its  thing isn't gonna happen. 

One must learn to adjust. 

And pray. 

And laugh.

I read something that rang true to all things in life. 

Most especially true to read when I'm in melt down feel sorry for myself mode.  Because I still have slight panic attacks  You guys, Motherhood + Worry Wart = Jacked up mama for life! wtf!

"Nobody will protect you from suffering. You can't cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It's just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal." ~Cheryl Strayed

This morning a sunrise proved that life is beautiful.

It really is. 

If we can just slow down for a hot second and breathe it all in, and let go of the yucky-

So much love to you all,

This Mama Lisa

Kali decorated her new shared house for Ju-Ju's birthday! All before sunrise to surprise her---
(that's my girl.. ..all heart eyes sweet pea)
Happy Birthday Julia!
Good work Kali....!  6 girls in one house.  womp-womp san marcosssss

You are your mama's child.

Happy Hump Day kids.

Get yo hump on!

And keep running in the direction of that bridge that was built on your own desire to heal.
You are important. 


 Remember, someone out in this world has it way worse than you.
Don't ever forget that.

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