Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Request For An Opinion Turns Into...(Post from two weeks ago, maybe three?)

Last week, this exact time, Kali was at my desk trying to find a used refrigerator.  Not sure any of you know this, but my name is Lisa and I am addicted to Craigslist.  So much so, our home is filled with all furniture from said website.  I've found it hard to buy anything from stores simply because I've found the good ol' quote "one mans trash is another mans treasure". Tis' is true my friends.  Ten times and ten times more again.

If you know me and have visited our home, you'd know.  I thrive on decorating.  It flows through my veins.
Good deal + nice piece of whatever = Happy Mama.
Dangit, I'm digressing.  Totally known for that.

So, going back...I call my friend Erica because her hubby is in the appliance business.  Asking the questions I tried asking some creepy dude that "wanted us to meet him in his storage place in San Marcos"...blah blah blah. But didn't have specifics on the fridge he was posting, although they were all pictures of fridge's in nice homes.  Total bait and switch bs, and so I call Erica.
She texts' me back shortly later telling us we'd do her a favor if we'd take the one from her garage.  Although they use it, they really wanted to move it out, and put a different one in.

WHAT?!  So we quickly must make arrangements to move it out to San Marcos this week because 1.) Kali's responsibility of this home and room-mate deal was she was responsible for the fridge 2.) There were two guys available on Wed to move it from truck to house.  3.) Kali's mama could drive it

So yesterday morning while shitting my pants (or just about) I drove it out there.  50 miles an hour on the 405 fwy where cars are going twice the speed, same with the 5 fwy.  Almost comical, I'd arrive.
The boys would offload it.

Is it me, or does stuff like this mean the world to look at later in life.  When the girls are getting married and we can remember things like this.  Shelly helping Kali get her bed set up for her Jr year in college.  In San Marcos at that house. Wild!  Thank you Auntie Shelly!

Shelly would be out in that neck of the woods too because once we left Kali's we'd be headed to Oceanside to sit with Maria.  Her mama is soon leaving Earthside...(2 massive strokes this week) Shell and I would take lunch to her family.  Sitting out in that courtyard, sharing love.  And conversation.
I'll never ever forget her Dad's words shared about his wife.  How she was such a loving mom.  And wife.
That "She'd never been a bad person....ever"-  I couldn't help but just stare at this face.  His cheeks, his lips, his eyes.  His lover.  She's gone.  And there he sits, sharing how "she was"-   So heartbreaking!!

Heavy stuff you guys.

The love of friends.  Of neighbors.  Of love.

The moral of my story--

Good friends, good timing, good love and good luck.
Something we're so incredibly lucky to have.
Post from today 07/26
How's your week treating you so far?  Mine for some reason is overwhelming.  Simple as that. 
Overwhelming. Have you ever felt like there wasn't a light at the end of the tunnel?

I hope your days are filled with iced cold teas, or iced cold water....
 Or some good damn wine.

To my friend Laura whom lost her daddy last week...stay strong. He'd be proud to know you are.
Which you always have been.
Same with you Kaylee.  
To Jordan Sickler...whom celebrated his 17th birthday over the weekend. You make us proud. 
To Kali whom seems to run amuck and live life to the fullest.  Get a job.  jk
To all our employees, along with anyone that works out in this heat, you're our hero's.  
To Maria that sent me a text on Sunday that read- "Hi I just wanted to thank all for getting together yesterday. It was good to get out of the house and start feeling better.  I appreciate all of you in my life and it really shows when times get tough how we can pull together.  It's the small stuff that counts alot when there is trouble. No body does it better than girlfriends.  Thank you"-
I hosted a little lunch with our little group. 
My reply-
"That's how I feel about you, most especially during tough times. Perfect day together"-

Little secret about Maria-
We met when our girls were 12. In club soccer- It wasn't until the ages of donating many many evening hours working high school dances, and events that she'd show me the ropes on how to get Kali into college.

And for that.....

I will forever and ever be grateful.

To the many friends out there struggling in life.  Whatever it may be.  Keep swimming.
Just know that we are all swimming.

And praying.

Remember work hard, and be nice to people.


This Mama Lisa

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