Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's all about ENERGY-

The day before Bill and I snuck away I started to feel really yucky.  The joys of sitting at an employees desk while he was out sick.  No harm no foul. But I did learn another thing or two about karma, when I really thought his Monday morning "call-in" was all bullshit. But then it bit my ass, and bit it hard---

Soon a cough would settle somewhere in my lungs.  It felt like deep down in the heart of Texas really.

I rallied in Havasu.  Not much planned obviously, just the normal house work, and chores that at times I knew could wait.  Then back on my bed, or back to my lounge chair.  The first two days were also VERY windy, creating a "stay in the house" effect-

On my actual birthday I got up, washed and blow dried my hair *hallelujah* , put on a bathing suit, cover up, some jewelry, sandals and we were off.  We'd launch the boat and head across a very empty lake.  To change things up, we'd stroll over to the smoky casino.  More for people watching sake, and their strong drinks.  After an hour of that, and a full clean head of hair that was soon tainted, we'd get back out on the water, and just float.  I said "I just wanna cruise really slow by every single cove on this side"-
Feeling rather good with the alcohol flowing through my veins, I decided a good night out for dinner would be awesome too.

Add Martini's.  Like 3.   Or whatever.

And so that's what we did.  Guess what though? The coughing let up the more I drank. lol.

I snapped shots, he snapped shots,(pictures that is..) and we went on with our silly days.

The rest of our stay was eating out, laughing, and coughing. Lots and lots of coughing.

You can imagine what my night times consisted of.  Hardly any- bam.

I came home and pretty much just fell on my face-  Coughing so hard I have to cross my legs.  TMI.

My back hurts from coughing, and so on and so forth.

I am behind on everything. Literally.  Exhausted, and just blah.

I've driven straight home every single day after work, closed my house up, showered and crawled into bed.

To top things off, Bucks has been under the weather. A Saturday vet visit while we were gone, gave no real answers.  Rarely do you find out what it could be unless you hand over 75 thousand dollars for blood work, xrays, scans, and over night stays.  So for now, I nurse him, and he nurses me. It's a cuddle fest win, win sitch. He's eating, he's pooping, he's peeing and he sometimes barks.  Aside from that, he doesn't want to walk around or stand much.  so....
If things don't change, this mama will have to crack the whip-

This too shall pass, and life will blossom pretty days sooner than later.  For now?  Please wait for me to pull it all together again.  Energy is what has always made me, me.  I have always moved at a pretty clear rhythm, but man....this chick isn't feeling it. car is filthy.

House is clean though-

I leave you with this beauty of a shot of my littlest. Sent on my birthday.  Her final initiation to party life.  JK.

Paddle reveal, and big love from HER BIG!

 Until I can get my world back together, this is all I got baby....

To say I received so many notes of love, words of praise, and compliments galore is an understatement.

It's because of you that I walk this Earth with confidence, peace and lots of love.

Happy you, means happy me.


This Mama Lisa

High Five to Forty Five-

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